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Two men have been charged after police officers were attacked at a shopping centre.
A 24-hour spate of catapult attacks has taken place despite a nearby dispersal order in place due to the crime.
A woman is organising a trail of candles to 'light Sarah's way home'.
A teenage girl had to hold on tight to her dog's lead after a man grabbed it.
A yellow weather warning has been issued from today, with gale force winds and rain expected overnight.
A four-month operation has led to the arrest of 10 people suspected of organising cross-channel smuggling.
Police searching a building on the outskirts of a village discovered a large-scale illegal growing operation.
The addition of two nail salons would mean a town had a baker's dozen in its centre, sparking concern over a lack of variety.
Two accidents happened near each other this morning resulting in people being taken to hospital.
A fine-dining restaurant promising exciting dinner events is to fill a long-empty leisure complex unit this spring.
Controversial plans have been submitted to convert an historic pub into semi-detached housing, changing the centre of a village forever.
An historic railway needs £100,000 to be able to reopen once lockdown measures area lifted.
A kebab van has opened next to a roadside cafe and is already proving a hit with customers.
A long-empty unit which was set to become a 24/7 gym has been put on the market.
A notorious crossroads will close for a week of upgrade works following a spate of crashes in recent years.
Customs checks at a purpose-built Brexit lorry park have yet to begin – despite a March 1 target.
A girl was approached by three men at night, who attempted to rob her on a secluded path.
A four-storey block of flats could be built in a town centre if permission is granted.
A debilitating health emergency has led to a teenager starting his own charity to promote his hobby.
A full application has been submitted for nine homes planned on hockey club land.