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A scheme will see a council offer grants of up to £3,500 for businesses to do up the outside of their shops.
A veteran council leader who has been in charge of an authority for a decade is to retire from politics aged 84.
A closed village pub has been given permission to run as a B&B, despite villagers' concerns.
A bid to turn a million-pound home into flats and houses has been refused after years of planning battles and the intervention of a TikTok influencer.
A sweeping 4,000-home development is set to finally be given the green light - despite fears it will transform a part of Kent into a “no-go area”.
The number of households in emergency accommodation in Kent's most deprived district has almost doubled in a year - and is “likely to get worse”.
A doctor is braving the wind and the rain to devote his Sundays to sitting outside a Kent MP’s office.
A historic oasthouse built in the 19th century is set to be converted into a number of two-bedroom homes.
More than 1,600 trees will be planted to create a new woodland offering "a fitting and lasting tribute" to the life of Queen Elizabeth II.
Plans to transform a busy route into a seafront plaza are set to be given the green light – despite more than half of residents opposing the idea.
It is hoped tougher rules on anti-social behaviour can stop boy racers in a Kent borough.
Car parks in a district will be free on every Saturday in December following a council rethink.
An ornamental water feature is to have much of its base rebuilt after "significant voids" were uncovered.
A council has been forced to apologise after a watchdog found carers put a late mother at risk of harm by "failing to meet her needs".
A trouble-hit pub will become the only boozer in a Kent town to remain open beyond midnight - despite fears it will cause residents "misery".
A multi-million-pound makeover of a former Marks & Spencer in an area dubbed one of the UK's "most deprived" neighbourhoods has moved a step closer.
A sports centre renovation project to reduce its carbon emissions and running costs is expected to cost taxpayers an extra £330,000.
An Asian fusion restaurant at a £115m development will be allowed to open until 2am, despite fears neighbours will be disturbed by rowdy revellers.
A council has been targeted by hackers, card cloners and fraudsters over the last six months - with a school among the victims.
A new training centre could be built to help firefighters learn new skills and techniques developed following the Grenfell fire tragedy.