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Bosses of a Kent cinema say it will struggle to survive if rates in the county’s most expensive car parks are increased again.
There are fears for the countryside following plans for one of the country’s biggest energy storage facilities on the edge of a Kent village.
A homophobic church, which preaches that being gay is “a trap of the devil”, has sparked concerns as it prepares to open in a former leisure centre.
A Kent police officer has been banned from serving in the force after lying about his car being cloned to avoid speeding charges.
The cost of renting in some parts of Kent has risen by about a third in just five years, sparking calls for a council housing boom to boost supply.
A council plans on battling “the plague” of shopping trolleys dumped in its rivers and streets by hitting supermarkets harder in the pocket.
A town centre street scene could change forever amid plans to flatten the derelict shell of an amusement arcade.
Plans for what could be one of the UK’s largest housing developments look set to be refused.
A vast new housing estate where residents have been waiting for a convenience store for years is set for a Morrisons Local despite traffic concerns.
Kent’s biggest shopping centre is looking to install a Christmas grotto alongside its existing ice rink.
Developers have submitted plans for 90 homes and a possible drive-thru on the edge of a village, near an existing 24-hour McDonald’s.
Villagers are “over the moon” as a council prepares to backtrack on an “astronomical” increase in car park charges.
There are fears a flagship council project will end up as just ‘an empty tin shed’ as businesses have shown little interest in the plans.
A factory is set to be flattened to make way for a new housing estate - but not a single home will be affordable.
Developers have been accused of placing a village "under siege" after plans revealed a holiday park could be built next to a historic home.
Plans to convert a care home into a massive HMO may be dashed amid claims it would trigger traffic “bedlam”.
Prices could jump at the Channel Tunnel after bosses revealed £67m costs incurred by new EU border measures will likely hit passenger ticket prices.
Developers will commit "environmental vandalism" by felling trees to make space for a wetland on a new housing estate, say concerned councillors.
Controversial plans for a 170-home estate have been given the green light despite fears of nearby roads being “increasingly unsafe”.
A decision is due to be made on the future of a historic seaside attraction which forms part of a wider plan to revamp a beach area.