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A secondary school is building a skatepark in its grounds in what will be a UK first - despite "major concerns" from neighbours.
Protesters are celebrating a reprieve after developers failed to win approval for a controversial 1,600-home estate last night.
Building work on a flagship multi-million-pound new public square is yet to start amid snags during the permission-seeking process.
Fly-tippers are dumping mattresses, furniture and hardcore next to derelict garages, frustrated residents claim.
A tenant has revealed what life is like in a Kent HMO, as we look at why this form of shared living is on the rise - and what powers councils have.
The owner of a company is celebrating being allowed to host more music events on his farm during the summer months.
A working men's club that has been part of a village for decades is to become a two-bed home after a couple narrowly won planning permission.
Plans to play music at a bar’s terrace have been delayed amid fears of “an intolerable effect on residents.”
Campaigners fear their town will be “obliterated” by housing after a council signalled the area will bear the brunt of new homes in the borough.
Plans for a sprawling housing development that will double a village’s population have been approved despite fierce opposition from residents.
The manager of a bar close to one of Kent’s biggest concert venues has taken aim at rules preventing him playing outdoor background music.
Top Boy actor Ashley Walters has finally been given the green light to extend his home at the third time of asking.
Police were forced to step in as protesters surrounded a small group of anti-immigration demonstrators and started chanting “fascist scum”..
One angry villager said “shame on you” to celebrity baker Paul Hollywood’s wife as plans to turn her historic Kent pub into a house were approved.
Proposals for 800 new homes – which could see a village’s population double – are expected to be given the go-ahead next week.
Hundreds of people have signed a petition calling on a council to introduce one hour's free parking in all of its car parks.
Plans have been submitted for a care home that the applicant says is needed to meet the “clear and unmet need” of an aging population.
A bid to cover land the size of 86 football pitches in solar panels was turned down by councillors who said they should be on roofs, not in fields.
A Labour councillor has been suspended after footage emerged of a man at a protest calling for the throats of anti-immigration protesters to be cut.
Claims of loud and offensive music being blasted from a children’s amusement park have been dismissed by the owner.