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The parents of a man who died from meningitis have helped expose a huge NHS blunder.
Want to be a pub landlord? Check out how much it would cost you.
A popular Indian restaurant could soon be demolished and replaced by retirement flats.
A group of travellers who destroyed a school's playing field have been given their marching orders.
A motorcyclist has been treated by medics after falling from their bike and becoming wedged beneath a car.
Drivers are facing queues and delays on the M20 due to a car fire.
Police investigating the theft of cosmetics from a high street shop have released a picture of a woman they wish to contact.
A backpacker who went missing for more than three months while travelling Europe has been found.
The devastating aftermath of a flat fire has been caught on camera.
Flats in a town centre have been engulfed by flames with fire crews battling the blaze.
A stolen car belonging to a newly married man has been found by police investigating the burglary.
A lamb's mouth had to be stitched by a vet after crows tried to peck out its tongue. WARNING: Graphic images.
A homeless man's dog is set to be destroyed after a woman was bitten in a popular park.
Two sets of travellers have set up camp in a popular park and a leisure centre.
Teenagers who vandalised a cricket pavilion in a quiet village have returned to make amends for the damage they caused.
An investigation has been launched after thieves tried to steal a cash machine from a shop in a ram raid.
Supermarket giant Aldi has announced it will open its three new Kent stores later this year creating a huge number of jobs.
Detectives have arrested two men after two suspicious parcels were found to have been thrown over the wall of a prison.
A hand grenade fished out of the River Medway by an angler has been blown up by bomb disposal teams.
Rail users face disruption and delays after a fire was reported at a station near the tracks.