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A primary school is helping raise £5,000 to help a family whose home was wrecked during a devastating fire.
A petition has been launched in a bid to stop a developer from building 440 homes in the heart of the countryside.
A worker shattered his heel when he fell from a stairwell opening.
A teenage boy has been charged after checkout staff at a Sainsbury's store were 'threatened' with a knife
A graffiti mural spray painted on a primary school over the Easter Holidays could be a Banksy.
Volunteer police officers in have arrested two men and seized cocaine and cannabis.
More than 100 objections have been written after plans for a KFC restaurant in an oast house were revealed.
The family of a 17-year-old boy who suffered life-changing injuries in a crash have thanked emergency services for their efforts.
A person was cut free from a car and treated by medics after a crash.
Protestors have taken to Sainsbury's meat counter in a bid to "bring awareness of violence to bring lamb bodies to the table this Easter".
One lane of the QE2 Bridge is closed due to a broken down caravan.
Police are investigating after a motorcyclist and driver started fighting in the middle of a road.
One lane of the M2 is shut due to a broken down car.
A 21-year-old woman has been arrested after a disturbance at a riverside pub.
A record-breaking number of visitors have flocked to a seaside amusement park in time for the bank holiday sun.
A 17-year-old boy has been arrested after another teen suffered serious injuries during a crash.
A vegetarian suspects fowl play after finding a real chicken nugget in his meat-free cocktail sausages.
A 39-year-old man has been missing for a month.
A suspected drug dealer has been charged over the supply of cocaine.
Women prisoners have been denied new accommodation as flats refurbished for £250,000 have been left empty for 10 months.