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Gritters are poised to take to the roads across Kent as temperatures are set to dip below freezing.
Emergency services are at the scene of a multi-vehicle crash which is causing delays on a main route.
More than £18 million has been pledged by a discount supermarket that will be bringing new stores to the county as well as upgrading existing sites.
Police officers targeted burglars, thieves and other criminals during a three-day operation.
Teachers fearing for their safety at a troubled secondary school are continuing to strike in an ongoing row over pupil behaviour and violence.
A college says it is ‘appalled’ after an attack on a sheep allegedly carried out by two of its students.
A member of parliament has released his latest book whose main character displays the working-class qualities of its author.
A shop owner is devastated after thieves made off with thousands of pounds of gadgets in a burglary.
Revised plans for a care home which was likened to a prison have been given the green light despite concerns about the location and parking.
Motorists looking to save some time on their journey have been caught in CCTV footage ignoring road closure signs and driving through gas works.
Owners of a high street business have decided to retire after serving customers with fast food for more than two decades.
The remains of a Nazi V2 rocket fired at Britain during the Second World War have been unearthed nearly 80 years later in a field.
Pictures show a historic locomotive passing through the county as it marked Armistice Day.
Lifeboat volunteers have saved a yacht which had begun to take on water after one of its crew members had suffered an injury.
Police say a man assaulted a security guard and used racist language while trying to join a Remembrance Sunday parade in Kent today.
Police have issued a photo of a man they want to speak to after a ‘racially aggravated altercation’ at a railway station in the county.
Footage of a £9m new supermarket has been released as the countdown to its opening gets under way.
A high street bakery has been hit by vandals who filmed themselves kicking Christmas decorations before ‘bragging’ about it on social media.
It is reported billionaire Sir Richard Branson is set to launch a challenge to Eurostar – but will it mean a revival for Ashford and Ebbsfleet?
State-of-the-art facilities for a rugby club have been given the green light as part of a controversial development.