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A main road has reopened after a man was taken to hospital after a crash involving another vehicle.
An accident involving a van and two cyclists resulted in a huge turn-out by the emergency services.
A suspected drink-driver remains under investigation after a car was badly damaged in a crash.
A landlord fears the closure of a theatre over concerns about RAAC could lead to the demise of his pub.
The high street petrol station has been shut for maintenance work to its canopy.
A road was blocked in both directions after a car reportedly overturned and ended up in a ditch.
A once popular nightclub is being demolished and has planning permission to be replaced by a four-storey apartment block.
CityFibre works causing traffic on a busy commuter route are set to last a week.
Emergency services were called to a shopping centre after a girl was hit by a bus.
A woman has “suffered injuries” after an incident on hospital grounds which resulted in a large response from the emergency services.
The retailer confirmed its doors are now open after power outages forced the store to shut for two days.
A resident living behind an overgrown alleyway littered with bottle cans, old furniture, toys and electrical equipment wants it handed over to them.
An 82-year-old grandmother wants rubbish to be cleared up in a five-year running battle with fly-tippers.
Two men, aged 21 and 23, have been arrested after a police chase ended when a car crashed into a number of parked vehicles.
Deliveries of imported cars could be delayed as union members take to the picket lines in a row over pay.
Partial closures of several roads and a roundabout for resurfacing are set to take place over five nights.
Animal welfare staff have been praised for their role in saving a severely injured fox cub which is thought to have been attacked by a dog.
Police are investigating after a man threw a stool in a bookies and tried to steal from a customer as she collected her winnings.
Join our trip down memory lane to look back at a carnival’s colourful history, as plans step up to bring back the parade after five years.
A visitor farm needs to raise £300,000 to repair the roof of one of its historic barns.