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Fresh plans to demolish workshops and build new homes behind a petrol station have been submitted, months after a previous scheme was thrown out.
Plans have been submitted for nine “high-quality” properties on a former grazing paddock in a village.
A conservation charity has called the approval of plans for a huge bike factory a “dark day for nature”.
A “baffling” decision to shut a leisure centre months before a £20m renovation project is to be reviewed following huge backlash.
The first steps have been taken by a green energy firm for a solar farm the size of 68 football pitches.
A furious dad has been left with a hefty bill after catapult-wielding vandals smashed his dining room window.
Bosses at a bar chain said to be “better than Wetherspoon” will soon cut the ribbon at the grand opening of their latest Kent venture.
A 24-year-old who has battled food addiction and crippling anxiety that kept him housebound is now making huge changes.
Plans to turn a historic landmark into a holiday let could be completed early this year, months after thieves struck the site.
A group of beer-loving ramblers have completed a series of walks totalling 230 miles as they visited every Wetherspoon pub in Kent on foot.
Frustrated residents say a popular countryside footpath has been turned into an impassable bog following dredging work.
Sixteen new homes will be built on a plot of farmland despite villagers’ fears the houses are being “crammed” into too small a space.
A gift shop next to a popular nature reserve and walking spot will close after bosses said it was making a loss.
We visit the remote Kent church you need a bridge to access – after finding the key hundreds of yards away.
Plans to turn a dilapidated water pumping station deemed “dangerous and structurally unstable” into a new home have been given the green light.
The former site of a family-run garage, which had been in a town for 53 years, is set to be replaced by a row of terraced houses.
Brewery bosses have revealed grand plans to roll out an array of market stalls outside to emulate the success of a tourism hot spot.
Two fire crews were called to a blaze in a kitchen after an oven caught light.
Concern is growing for an 85-year-old who went missing earlier today.
A disabled man is fed-up with bin men leaving his gate open - as it bangs in the wind and rubbish blows into his garden.
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