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A controversial one-way system branded “absolutely ridiculous” faces further delays with works stalled for more than two years.
A frustrated landlord fears roadworks outside his historic pub until Christmas Eve could kill trade as he battles to delay the project.
A council has doubled down after a major residential developer claimed it could no longer afford money promised to help a community.
A village’s two pubs could both close before the end of the year - with bosses of one saying it is “not financially viable to keep going”.
Owners of a long-standing garage which serves dozens of motorists a day plan to demolish the building to make way for five-storey high flats.
Developers hoping to secure permission for the larger half of a 450-home estate and link road have revealed details ahead of submitting plans.
Drivers have been facing lengthy delays after a major route was shut forcing traffic to grind to halt.
A developer says stumping up £60k it pledged to a council - which approved its plans to build a block of flats - is now “unaffordable”.
A long-awaited slip-road off the A2 branded “absolutely daft” by critics faces more delays – six years after it was first approved.
Hopes of seeing a town open its first-ever Greggs could soon become a reality, with the popular bakery chain confirming plans to move into the area.
A woman has tragically died after suffering serious injuries in a bungalow explosion.
As the community reels from a bungalow explosion which left a woman seriously injured in hospital, we recount what we know so far…
A woman has been flown to a London hospital after an explosion at a bungalow this morning.
A countywide restriction on the movement of farm animals has been brought in after a rise in cases of an infectious disease.
The boss of a cafe which came under fire for going cashless says he made the decision after suffering multiple break-ins in recent months.
Trains are now said to be running normally again after a car crash damaged a level crossing’s barriers, forcing a temporary halt to services.
A woman was taken to hospital after suffering a seizure following a “disturbance” outside a popular nightclub.
An Indian restaurant has been given a zero-star food hygiene rating after a damning inspection which uncovered mouldy food and an infestation of mice.
An independent butcher says “making everything” in-house is the secret to success in a struggling industry rife with job cuts
Council inspectors have ordered the parents of a four-year-old boy with severe autism to remove his trampoline and swing set from a communal garden.