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A boy left brain-damaged after jumping from a pier in Kent has spoken for the first time since the accident as he continues to astound doctors.
Heartening images show the surprising moment a royal visited a world-famous Kent business unannounced.
The devastated mother of a 26-year-old who has died after being hit by a car has described him as “the kindest person you’ll ever meet”.
A new cafe is offering a bargain big breakfast for just £8.99 - but does the taste match up to the enticing price?
Work will start next year on a sprawling 4,000-home estate which could cost up to £200 million and has been in the pipeline for almost a decade.
A street trader left “exhausted and stressed” by unruly teenagers targeting her food van has pleaded with their parents to help stop the harassment.
A much-loved dad-of-four who “always had a story to tell” has died, leaving his family heartbroken.
The organisers of a town’s Pride event say they won’t back down in the face of homophobic abuse after vandals set alight a banner promoting the event.
An opening date has been confirmed for a long-awaited Home Bargains store set to occupy a former Morrisons site.
The family of a one-year-old who unexpectedly died says the wait for answers and “missed opportunities” have prevented them grieving.
Frustrated residents say their “once-quaint” village has become an “overpopulated traffic-congested nightmare” amid plans for 350 more homes.
A divisive bid to open a Kent district’s fifth McDonald’s has sparked concerns too many people in the area are already obese.
The new boss of a pub which has seen three landlords in 15 months says he must “try something a bit different” to survive.
A town is preparing for gridlock after it was confirmed a main road through the area will be shut.
A mum who lost her three-year-old daughter to cancer has thanked those helping with fundraising efforts, including celebrity chef Paul Hollywood.
A Kent man has been arrested in Ethiopia and held in prison overnight, according to an animal rights group.
A 600-year-old pub which was once one of Kent’s longest-running establishments has gone up for sale.
A 700-year-old market’s long anticipated return to Kent following an arduous two-year battle has been labelled a “win-win”.
In an exclusive interview with KentOnline, model Mia Khalifa reveals her love for the county - from Whitstable’s oysters to her ‘witch’ in Margate.
A major development on one of Kent’s busiest high streets has been put up for sale for £6m casting uncertainty over the project.