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Plans to knock down and redevelop a long-abandoned care home often targeted by vandals have been unveiled.
A pensioner who spent an hour entangled in live power wires after falling down an unprotected utility trench says he has never been more terrified.
A woman has been charged with attempted murder after another woman was stabbed with a large kitchen knife in a town centre.
Crews called to tackle a blaze in an outbuilding early this morning believe the fire was started deliberately.
A town centre eyesore currently home to Sports Direct is being sold with planning permission for a retail and residential development.
With iconic TV series Gladiators returning to our screens tonight, we take a look at the Kent dad-of-two who’s become the star of the show.
A bigamist who married his teenage step-daughter while still wed to her mother has spoken out, calling the situation “weird” and “a misunderstanding”.
A woman has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after allegedly stabbing another woman in the back as she walked down the street.
A leading musician-turned-presenter was pictured alongside staff at a Kent restaurant, having enjoyed a “lovely dinner”.
Two teenage boys have been arrested after footage shared on social media showed a Tesco security guard allegedly being threatened.
Fire crews are warning people to avoid the area as they continue to tackle a house fire which broke out in the early hours.
A “kind and gentle” antique dealer who battled mental health problems took his own life inside above his shop, an inquest has heard.
A pub landlord illegally evicted a tenant while they received hospital treatment after splashing £100,000 to revamp his establishment into a hotel.
Proposals for a £23 million business park on the site of a former nightclub have been revealed with a pledge of creating about 250 jobs.
Work on a controversial one-way system branded “absolutely ridiculous” could finally start this year, having been delayed twice already.
A 200-year-old pub where its grand reopening was celebrated less than a year ago has gone back up for sale.
Five Kent seaside towns have been hit by a house price slump as Londoners are “cooling” on the idea of relocating to the coast.
A fire at a home is being treated as suspicious with officers on the lookout for witnesses following a suspected arson attack.
A pharmacy has announced it will close after 14 years, blaming increasing difficulties working with the NHS and concerns over staff safety.
A humpback whale has been filmed splashing around just off the Kent coast, sparking excitement among animal lovers.
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