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A devastated landlord says the owners of his 200-year-old pub are set to close the venue amid rumours it could be knocked down.
With Kent’s hospitals gripped by a winter flu crisis, we asked the county’s MPs for their thoughts on the alarming waiting times in A&E.
A huge sea search off the Kent coast was for a man reported missing 100 miles away.
A weather warning for ice is in place this morning as the cold snap continues following last night’s snow and sleet.
A huge search operation on the Kent coast has continued today following reports of a person going missing in the water.
A snow warning is now in force with the county being advised it could see flurries, while flood and cold weather warnings remain in place.
Fed-up residents have worked together to get rid of the property management company running their new-build estate.
An amber cold weather alert covering Kent has been extended until Tuesday as the county continues to face freezing conditions.
A leading ten-pin bowling firm has apologised after customers were slapped with sky-high phone bills after minutes-long calls to the company.
University staff could strike unless reassurances over job cuts are given by its vice-chancellor as pressure mounts on him and other senior managers.
Drivers and rail passengers face delays due to adverse weather which is causing obstructions and flooding across the county.
A council has vowed to thwart attempts to reopen an illegal race track concealed by trees inside a massive roundabout.
A family have been left heartbroken after a popular grandfather and keen sportsman died suddenly while walking his beloved dog.
Fears are intensifying over a much-loved community centre’s future which could be forced to shut if nobody steps in to help run it.
A much-loved dad who went missing weeks before Christmas was found dead by dog walkers on Boxing Day, an inquest has heard.
Work on a ‘health campus’ and retirement village could start this year after fresh CGI designs surfaced showing how the finished project could look.
A person has died after being hit by a train this morning.
A long-awaited new slip-road off the A2 is set to be given the green light next week for a second time.
Bosses of a town centre restaurant say economic challenges have forced them to shut and reopen as a bar.
We take a look at some of Kent’s most iconic pubs and nightclubs which are sadly no longer with us.
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