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A pub is taking a unique approach to tackling the cost-of-living crisis – by announcing a Sunday lunch service where punters can pay what they like.
Almost £10,000 has been raised in honour of a three-year-old boy described as a “real life superhero”.
A couple taking on their second pub at a time when the industry is being crippled by the cost-of-living crisis say they are ready for the challenge.
An award-winning curry house once named the best in Kent has been handed a zero-star food hygiene rating following a damning inspection.
This Kent curry house has gongs galore – but is it really the greatest in the land? Here’s our verdict...
Questions remain over the future of an abandoned care home left empty since it shut suddenly more than five years ago.
Controversial plans to add another 88 homes on an already sprawling housing estate have been given the stamp of approval by council bosses.
A suspect has been arrested and a duo have been treated in hospital after a fire gutted a house.
A huge area of farmland is set to be sold off for £4.85 million as plans for a commercial expansion of the site remain on the table.
Divisive plans to host more large-scale events with a capacity for 5,000 people in a park have been given the go-ahead by council officials.
A 4,000-home estate has been given the final sign-off after developers agreed to pump millions of pounds into improving local infrastructure.
A woman has told how she often works 60-hour weeks across three jobs and even forages for food just to stay above the poverty line.
Customers could be able to grab a sausage roll or steak bake at all hours if Greggs’ bid for a 24-hour licence at a high street branch is approved.
An eyesore seafront building is finally being demolished - more than a year after plans to bring down the derelict property were revealed.
A winemaker based in Tenterden took on the king of Champagne, Moet, in a taste test, and won.
A top Netflix show starring a host of Hollywood celebrities is set to air, featuring three parts of Kent used in filming.
A school is seeking an upgrade 50 years in the making – as it applies to bulldoze its current home and double the number of pupils.
Ambitious plans to transform an old troubled pub into a corner shop are striding forward — despite fears over “traffic chaos”.
A couple were hit with a £100 fine for walking their dogs in a park – after the signs warning them not to do so were stolen.
Proposals for the expansion of a 400-home development put on hold more than a year ago have returned after new designs were unveiled.