More on KentOnline
As today is widely known as Back to the Future Day, we take a quick look back at familiar areas since 1985
Firefighters are urging residents to think twice when it comes to tackling electrical fires in their homes
Following a number of suspicious incidents around west Kent, police are reminding parents and children to remain vigilant
Emergency services have been at the scene of an accident where one lane was blocked
A popular landlady has pulled her last pint in a village pub, as the doors close, possibly for good.
Police were called after two young boys were reportedly approached by three men in a white van.
A section of a busy road was partially blocked following an accident
Two men have been arrested after a series of cigarette stockists were targeted
Concerned residents rejoice after plans to install a car wash in a curry house car park have been rejected
The organisers of a music festival held in Kent have already begun planning for next year after the success of this year's events.
The Vulcan will be passing over Kent on Sunday afternoon; here are the approximate times from takeoff.
Dog owners are being warned to keep pets on leads after a sheep was mauled to death in a field. Warning: graphic image.
Police issues a 21-year-old with a penalty notice for possession of drugs after his car was pulled over
A fish and chip shop has been announced as the best in London and the south east - after last month being crowned best in Kent, Sussex and Surrey.
A number of parish councils have voiced their concerns after a borough council's proposals to scrap three area planning system
A lane on a busy road had been closed after a traffic incident.
A former CEO of a hospice has got back on the bike just two years after a cycling accident seriously injured her.
A power cut halted traffic lights on a busy road
A popular coffee shop will open to the public in a town centre tomorrow.
Fremlin Walk is hosting an exclusive shopping event, with live entertainment, for students this evening.