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A council is among the best in the country for cracking down on the sale of illicit tobacco, it has been revealed.
Desperate residents say they need their streets fixing fast as a council argues it needs £50 million to get the job done.
A four-year plan to improve part of Kent and make it more attractive to visitors has been questioned by some after recent cost-cutting measures.
A project to turn a Police Section House at the former Royal Dockyard Chatham into a creative digital hub is to get £3.5m National Lottery funding.
Eyesore homes once occupied “unlawfully” near a school and church could soon be refurbished and returned to the market.
A major high street gym chain has submitted a bit to operate one of its fitness centres around the clock from a shopping centre.
A stroke service which was abruptly removed from a hospital last year is set to return.
There are “inconsistencies" in the way children with special education needs in one part of Kent are treated, an inspection has uncovered.
Five years after declaring a climate emergency, a local authority is seeking views on updating its action plan to ensure it is meeting its goals.
A cash-strapped council has rejected a motion to review its controversial decision to axe free swimming for children.
A filming location for a hit period drama has been awarded a large cash sum to “safeguard the building for future generations”.
A ten-year plan to spearhead social regeneration in some of the most deprived areas of Medway Swale has been launched.
Construction is set to get underway to build a multi-million pound ‘innovation hub’ on the first floor of a shopping centre.
Businesses have given their verdict on the start of a three-month road closure which was predicted to bring traffic chaos to a town.
Under pressure dentists are refusing to take on more NHS work as they grapple with financial pressures and “too much bureaucracy”.
A 10-year traffic row has taken a twist with a resident saying he’s going to rent out his home to asylum seekers to make life difficult for a council.
Thousands of households in one part of Kent have received support from a “vital” government scheme helping the most vulnerable.
A council has agreed on its housing strategy for the next six years as it sets out four key objectives to improve the current market.
A council has agreed to increase the flag rate of taxis in part of Kent and Medway to help drivers with the cost of living.
The new deputy opposition leader of a council’s Consverative part has been announced after a shock resignation due to “disagreements with colleagues”.