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Thousands of households in one part of Kent have received support from a “vital” government scheme helping the most vulnerable.
A council has agreed on its housing strategy for the next six years as it sets out four key objectives to improve the current market.
A council has agreed to increase the flag rate of taxis in part of Kent and Medway to help drivers with the cost of living.
The new deputy opposition leader of a council’s Consverative part has been announced after a shock resignation due to “disagreements with colleagues”.
The shadow home secretary has visited part of the county this morning and said residents need to vote for Labour at the next election.
A Kent council is struggling to retain adult social workers despite being in a “better position than elsewhere”.
Human and animal waste is believed to be responsible for high levels of E.coli along a stretch of the River Medway.
A new multi-million pound replacement mental health ward, designed specifically for older patients, has opened.
A council is offering women sports classes free of charge at a leisure centre.
A six-month extension to a support scheme helping the most vulnerable people struggling with the cost of living has been been welcomed.
An opposition council leader has been accused of Islamophobia after referencing the Taliban during a council meeting.
A council is encouraging eligible households to apply for insultation upgrades in order to lower their energy costs and carbon footprint.
Plans to cut free swimming and two festivals have been approved along with Medway Council’s budget.
A council has blamed its mounting maintenance bills on the previous administration who it says “didn’t fix the roof while the sun was shining”.
A cash-strapped local authority has been granted its request for “exceptional financial support” in order to balance the books and avoid bankruptcy.
The deputy leader of the Medway Conservatives has left the party over a disagreement with colleagues.
Two councillors have been suspended after reports of a fight at a Christmas party.
Fifty residents are being sought to join a panel to consider what infrastructure their area needs.
Plans for a former golf course to become a community parkland with walking and cycling routes and picnic benches have been unanimously agreed.
A meeting attended by 100 villagers ended with a vote to oppose plans for 44 homes by a zoo after concerns about flooding, traffic and school places.