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Plans to scale back a scheme giving disabled children support to attend out-of-school clubs have been approved.
A dock for boat tours on the River Medway has been given approval.
A budget retailer has withdrawn its bid to sell booze from its new store after it met opposition over concerns it could lead to alcohol-related crime.
A community group has proved successful in its effort to get an historic 125-year-old fountain returned to its original location.
The government has decided not to intervene in a controversial planning bid to convert an industrial docks site.
Police were nearly called after members of the public repeatedly interrupted a planning meeting called to decide a controversial bid for new homes.
Plans have been submitted for new allotments and a community garden at a disused former plant nursery as demand continues to soar.
The cost of swim sessions at a new council-run leisure centre is “scaring” some families away this half-term who claim it’s too much.
The supermarket is looking to open a store in the ground floor of an under construction housing development next to a railway station.
A scheme giving disabled children support to attend out-of-school clubs could be scaled back as demand puts too much pressure on council coffers.
Government plans to give housebuilding a shot in the arm have seen of the largest parts of Kent receive a smaller funding allocation.
A new co-working space with its own podcasting facilities hopes to provide a space for small businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive.
Health bosses have been accused of wasting councillors’ time after failing to answer questions posed to them over NHS contracts they wanted renewing.
A health trust is to rebrand itself but councillors have hit out at the move amid struggles to reach targets for reducing waiting times.
A council has insisted efforts to curb off-road bikers have proven successful despite a rec ground plagued by problems seeing zero fines or seizures.
Plans to sell alcohol at a Costcutter-backed venture have been given the go-ahead at premises formerly occupied by miniature railway enthusiasts.
A national monument overrun with plants after years of neglect is set to be preserved following a hard-fought campaign.
Proposed new rules dog owners must follow or risk a fine have seen questions asked about how they would be enforced.
A cash-strapped council which revealed a list of 30 properties it intends to offer for sale to claw back funds says not all will be offloaded.
A local history society is organising a series of blue plaques to celebrate the heritage of its village and the buildings.
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