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Changes to housing targets announced by Angela Rayner could see the housebuilding goal for one part of Kent rise to nearly 35,000 homes.
A council is set to consider plans to set up a children’s home for youngsters with complex needs using government cash.
Plans to refurbish a disused town centre office block have taken a step forward as contracts are put out for its £35million tender.
A cash-strapped council already facing significant financial pressures is on course to spend more than it can budget for.
A council has voted unanimously to support a motion calling on the new Labour government to compensate women impacted by changes to pension rules.
A council has become the first in Kent to recognise experience within the care system as a protected characteristic when making decisions.
Plans to make several towns safer for women and girls, including by using plain-clothes officers to reduce assaults, have been approved.
River boat tours could be set to return to a tourist town as part of proposals to erect a new docking station.
Kent’s only new Conservative MP has lifted the lid on what lessons should be learned from her party’s disastrous general election showing.
Children will be able to ride the bus for free in part of Kent this summer thanks to a government-funded scheme.
Plans to add more cameras to several towns to catch motorists flouting traffic rules have been welcomed despite claims they’re purely to “make money”.
A council has approved plans to bring in charges for those who bin more than others.
Residents in one of the fastest growing parts of Kent are being asked their views on its “blueprint for the future”.
A council is considering plans to draft in more plainclothes police officers to step in and prevent assaults on women and girls on nights out.
Labour has emerged victorious in Rochester and Strood as the party cleans up all three seats in the Medway Towns.
The Labour party has ousted the Tories in Gillingham and Rainham as it marches on to number 10.
Labour have gained another seat in the Medway Towns as they take Chatham and Aylesford which had been held by the Tories since 2010.
A fast-food takeaway accused of employing illegal workers when raided by the Home Office may now have its licence revoked.
A Kent authority has passed an urban design code to emphasise the history of the local area.
We take a look inside a £24million sports centre ahead of its reopening.