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Plans for transforming a former golf course into a community parkland are one step closer to becoming a reality.
Businesses say three-month roadworks may finally be at an end but the impact is long lasting with politicians largely ‘uninterested’ in their plight.
A council which failed to meet its housing targets has been forced to create an action plan to get back on track - but now faces even higher targets.
A ruling party has been accused of reneging on promises made before being elected after plans to redevelop working docks were given the green light.
Controversial plans to erect retirement homes near a protected wildlife site have been approved — but only on the condition there’s no kids or cats.
We profile the Chatham and Aylesford constituency and the candidates vying for your vote on July 4.
We profile the Gillingham and Rainham constituency and the candidates vying for your vote on July 4.
A high street drinking hole has won approval to make its temporary outdoor shelter, first erected during the pandemic, a permanent fixture.
The coffee chain won approval for its revised plans but concerns over flooding mean it’s been sent to Westminster for closer inspection.
James Cleverly took aim at Nigel Farage and said a Labour government would undo the past 14 years of progress during a visit to the county.
A local authority has revealed it is still forking out huge sums due to residents putting items in the wrong bins.
A business owner has slammed a new traffic management scheme he says is costing him thousands of pounds and is making a high street a “ghost town”.
A controversial application for a new employment and enterprise hub has been given the go-ahead by councillors - but could still be stopped.
A local authority is hoping to better enforce moving traffic offences with new ANPR cameras spread across 17 locations.
Last year Labour ended 20 years of Conservative rule at Medway Council. Political leaders of all stripes have given their verdict on what came next.
The Conservative Party have named their candidate for a key battleground seat in Kent which polls suggest could swing to Labour.
Local traders say business is down by 85% because of roadworks in the area which customers are avoiding.
A Kent MP and former sports minister has expressed her disappointment a historic football governance bill will not pass because of the election.
Sir Keir Starmer has launched the Labour Party’s election campaign in Medway today.
A controversial planning application to redevelop working docks will go before a council’s planning committee for a decision.