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The future of docks at the centre of controversial redevelopment plans was discussed in Parliament after being put forward for debate by an MP.
Residents in one part of Kent will get the chance to vote on the county’s first urban neighbourhood plan when voters go to the polls this week.
Proposals to demolish a working docks and turn it into a business park have been recommended for approval despite huge opposition.
A hotly-debated road scheme accused of being just a council income-generator will start next month.
A Labour councillor from Kent has been selected to contest a seat more than 100 miles away at the next general election.
Addressing climate change and inequality are among the priorities of a Green Party member who will be vying for votes at the next general election.
New data has shone a spotlight on rising health inequality with residents at the start of a bus line living 10 years less than those at the end.
People are being invited to have their say over plans to demolish a set of buildings in a historic high street and replace them with new housing.
Government funding will be used for local events and improving amenities, helping adults gain maths skills, and developing facilities in rural areas.
Motorists caught causing a nuisance in one part of Kent could now be “named and shamed” as a council pledges to ‘“change the culture”.
A council is among the best in the country for cracking down on the sale of illicit tobacco, it has been revealed.
Desperate residents say they need their streets fixing fast as a council argues it needs £50 million to get the job done.
A four-year plan to improve part of Kent and make it more attractive to visitors has been questioned by some after recent cost-cutting measures.
A project to turn a Police Section House at the former Royal Dockyard Chatham into a creative digital hub is to get £3.5m National Lottery funding.
Eyesore homes once occupied “unlawfully” near a school and church could soon be refurbished and returned to the market.
A major high street gym chain has submitted a bit to operate one of its fitness centres around the clock from a shopping centre.
A stroke service which was abruptly removed from a hospital last year is set to return.
There are “inconsistencies" in the way children with special education needs in one part of Kent are treated, an inspection has uncovered.
Five years after declaring a climate emergency, a local authority is seeking views on updating its action plan to ensure it is meeting its goals.
A cash-strapped council has rejected a motion to review its controversial decision to axe free swimming for children.
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