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A village primary school is to expand so it can take more pupils from September next year to cope with an increase in demand.
Toxic material has been left in a lane used by ramblers and dog walkers for a fortnight.
Services are facing the axe as Kent County Council work to make £86m in savings.
Three NHS trusts in Kent have recorded an increase in the number of mothers who breastfeed their babies.
We speak to the new chairman of Kent County Council as he starts his 12 month reign.
A council is set to stop price increases on student travel in a measure costing £2.5 million.
Just a handful of votes separated the two top candidates in the by-election battle for a seat on the county council.
Two extra waste recycling centres are now at risk, as the council scrabbles to find an extra £1 million in savings.
New figures have revealed a more than 200% increase in the number of temporary road closures over the last five years.
The Home Secretary is to be challenged in the High Court over the burden placed on Kent County Council in caring for child refugees.
Rubbish tips threatened with closure are failing key recycling and composting targets, say new Kent County Council figures.
A long-awaited relief road scheme to ease one of Kent’s worst traffic blackspots could start this year - but will cost the taxpayer £12 million more.