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Kent and Medway have missed out being part of the government fast-tracked devolution programme.
A former Conservative MP has become the first to declare he will attempt to fight for his old constituency in 2029.
A government announcement on the biggest shake up of how local councils are run in Kent for half a century has been delayed.
A charity boss has told of her “devastation” at losing almost £600,000 of public funding to look after parents of disabled children.
Campaigners opposed to the loss of children’s services at two family centres have won their latest battle to retain them after a backbench revolt.
A youth charity has had two bids to buy its home of 12 years turned down, as the cash-strapped county council looks to sell the premises
A senior official in charge of a contentious 5,000 home development says the cost of building a railway station will have to be met by the landowners.
Three “selfish and greedy” men who illegally wiped more than two million miles off cars and vans in a “clocking” scam have been spared prison.
Work on a new primary school which will have space for 420 pupils is expected to start in the summer after being granted planning permission.
The county council has paid out £340k less to parents in the last year after the number winning appeals over free school transport halved.
A family of a child with special needs who missed out on education for two years has been awarded more than £18,000 by Kent County Council.
A huge housing scheme in the heart of the Kent countryside has cost taxpayers millions of pounds -much of it in lawyer’s fees - and is set to rise.
Repair bills for drivers who hit potholes, which now includes a senior county councillor, are on the up - but why are Kent’s roads in such a state?
Campaigners opposed to the loss of children’s services at two Kent family centres have vowed to fight on despite a decision not to recommission them.
A new report has found the county sends less than one per cent of its rubbish to landfill sites but recycling rates are one the wane.
The running of local councils is to change under sweeping government reforms - here is an easy guide in six questions to get your head round them.
The biggest proposed change in the way local government is run in Kent for 50 years has taken another bold step.
Protesters gathered outside a meeting of the county council this morning to express opposition to planned sweeping reforms to local government.
The cost of improvements to a busy stretch of highway has rocketed by a “ridiculous” £50m in just a few years.
Claims a controversial lorry park for hundreds of HGVs should be built at a motorway junction near a major Kent tourist attraction has sparked a spat.