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Plans for a multi-million pound state-of-the-art training centre submitted by a group of Kent sea cadets has been approved.
A shop has laid bare the devastating impact of trying to compete with the likes of Amazon - after revealing they made just £3 in a single day.
An ex-surfer who saved a man from drowning has been handed an award by Kent Police’s chief constable.
Volunteers have revealed how close they got to rescuing a trapped seal from the River Medway.
A renewed bid for a proposed housing development has once again been met by strong opposition.
A much-loved pub landlady who welcomed punters for six decades is being remembered for her loving and caring nature.
A project to create a new cycle “pump track” which it is hoped will help prevent anti-social riding has moved a step closer after a funding boost.
An 11-year-old from Kent has been shortlisted in a creative writing competition held by one of Scotland’s leading hotel groups.
Onlookers have been urged to act sensibly as attempts to rescue a seal from the River Medway are set to continue.
Deliveroo has announced the start of its delivery services in a Kent village.
Police hope people will recognise this man after a woman was punched, slashed with a knife and left tied up for two days at her home.
A gin-tasting event has been organised by a charity.
Latest figures reveal the two areas in Kent which are the hardest hit by garden waste collection service costs.
Shop owners have spoken of their excitement at being given the green light to open their doors again next week.
A woman in her 40s has been attacked by a group of teenagers as she walked through a popular park.
Members of a gym have raised more than £1,000 for a village food bank.
A pop-up vaccination centre is set to open for one day for those who have not had their first coronavirus jab.
Litter-pickers have been out in force collecting bags full of rubbish.
A personal trainer says her virtual fitness hub has proved to be a big hit.
A former Sittingbourne schoolboy has vowed to fight on despite a setback to his Olympic dreams.