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Celebrity author Tom Fletcher has been delighting his fans by signing copies of his Christmas children's book in Kent today.
The McFly and Strictly Come Dancing star was at Waterstone's at Bluewater.
The best-selling children's author has been adding his autograph to copies of his latest edition in The Christmasaurus series.
Stephen Munday tweeted to say meeting the star had made his daughter, Fraya's, day.
"She loved meeting you and she said she hope you like the Xmas cards and story she wrote for you," he said.
Mandy tweeted to thank Waterstone's for hosting the event.
She added: "So well organised and it was lovely to have time to chat to him about how Christmassy we were in comparison."
The books were released in October and his stories have become some of the most popular with youngsters around the country.
Since publishing his debut book in 2016, he has gone on to write several more chart-topping children's stories including The Creakers, The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch and The Danger Gang.
The debut novel is being taken on to the big screen by The Greatest Showman director Michael Gracey into an animated feature-length movie which Fletcher is also writing the music for.
His books have been translated into 35 languages and sold five million copies worldwide.
Along with his wife – and reigning Queen of the Castle in I'm a Celebrity – Giovanna, the couple have written the Eve of Man series for older readers.
His other publications include The Dinosaur that Pooped picture book series which has sold 1.5 million copies.