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Gillingham thug spat, bit and headbutted police during arrest and stole a barbecue from The Range in Chatham

A thug spat, bit and headbutted police while he was being arrested as he didn’t like being put in handcuffs.

Thomas Vachlenko attacked officers on two separate occasions when they went to apprehend him.

Thomas Vachlenko assaulted four police officers and stole a barbecue from The Range store in Chatham
Thomas Vachlenko assaulted four police officers and stole a barbecue from The Range store in Chatham

On the first occasion in August last year, at his former address in Chatham, he attempted to bite one officer, repeatedly headbutted another and when a colleague came to their aid, Vachlenko then spat in his face, catching him on the cheek.

Then on another occasion in September the same year, the 23-year-old was being arrested again, this time in Gillingham, he bit a Special Constable on the hand, leaving a mark.

Vachlenko, of Vicarage Road, Gillingham, admitted four counts of assault on an emergency worker when he appeared in court in November and a pre-sentencing report was ordered.

He returned to Medway Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (January 2) to hear his fate when another charge of shoplifting was put to him, which he also admitted.

Lucie Fish, prosecuting, said: “Three of the charges relate to August 24, last year, when he was being arrested over an unrelated matter.

The court heard Thomas Vachlenko objected to being put in handcuffs. Stock picture
The court heard Thomas Vachlenko objected to being put in handcuffs. Stock picture

“But he objected to being put in handcuffs and he attempted to bite the officer’s arm and then headbutted another officer repeatedly.”

The court heard at this point another officer came to their colleagues’ aid when Vachlenko lashed out at him too.

Ms Fish added: “He then spat in the direction of the other officer’s face and his spittal hit him on the cheek.

“During interview, he made no comment.”

Magistrates also heard on June, 30 last year, Vachlenko stole a barbecue from The Range in Chatham, which was worth £84.99.

Thomas Vachlenko stole from The Range at the Dockside Outlet Centre in Chatham Maritime. Stock picture: Steve Crispe
Thomas Vachlenko stole from The Range at the Dockside Outlet Centre in Chatham Maritime. Stock picture: Steve Crispe

The prosecutor added: “Then on September 21, 2024, he was arrested and objected to being put in handcuffs again and this time he bit the hand of the officer and it left a mark on his skin.

“Again he made no comment in interview.

“He had previous for battery and one of the officers was a volunteer (special constable) and the bite was a concerning injury.

“The theft, there was no planning and it wasn’t of high value (£84.99).

“Officers tried to sort this out at a caution clinic, but he failed to turn up for that on three occasions.”

Samuel Sotunde, defending, added: “Alcohol is the main issue and he’s embarrassed about what happened, he was drunk and apologises.

Vachlenko was sentenced at Medway Magistrates' Court. Stock picture
Vachlenko was sentenced at Medway Magistrates' Court. Stock picture

“He was in supported accommodation at the time (of the first incident) and the matters he was arrested for, no further action was taken.

“But his intake of alcohol on different occasions has led to his behaviour getting out of control and he was spending £300 a month on that.

“He’s now back with mum and dad and he has ADHD, but doesn’t take medication for that.

“His mum is a teacher and his dad has health issues but he’s back on the straight and narrow.”

Magistrates told Vachlenko his behaviour, especially the biting, headbutting and spitting was not acceptable.

They placed him on a 12-month community order which will see him carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, and attend 20 rehabilitation sessions.

Vachlenko was also ordered to wear an alcohol abstinence monitoring tag for 12 weeks.

He was also ordered to pay £100 three officers and £50 to one other.

As well as this Vachlenko must pay back £84.99 to The Range and what he owes the court at a rate of £20 a month as he’s on benefits.

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