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An 18th-century pub that a string of landlords struggled to keep afloat before it unexpectedly shut could be converted into a home.
Developers have tabled a bid to transform the former Hare and Hounds in Nourthbourne, Deal, into a three-bedroom house.
They also hope to build three terraced homes on neighbouring land previously used as the pub’s car park.
Landlord Roy O’Neill announced the “end of an era” early last year when he closed the business “until further notice”.
With the pub empty since, planning applicant Matthew Lawrence, of Deal, submitted a recent bid to revamp the place to Dover District Council (DDC).
In official papers, he described how the building’s owner of the past 12 years no longer believes the business in The Street is viable.
He wrote it is due to the landscape for village pubs “having changed radically” and “the after-effects of Covid still being felt in the hospitality industry”.
Referencing the previous owners, the application states: “They have confirmed the business has run at a loss throughout their entire ownership, despite their commitment to keeping the pub open.
“They invested in a kitchen extension, new windows throughout, a complete rewire and extensive roofing works, among other things,” he said.
“Despite all of this the pub remained unviable and no purchaser was found who was willing to take it on as a pub.”
During the first three years of the pub’s previous ownership, they managed it themselves and ran it with their own staff, official papers say.
But the planning application states this was “unviable” due to staffing costs – so the owners went down the tenancy route.
In total, they have had five tenants and documents say none could create the “footfall required or run the pub well enough” to make Hare and Hounds cost-effective – except the most recent landlord.
The village tavern had made a good name for itself thanks to its food – with a four-and-a-half star rating on Tripadvisor.
Described as “a traditional country pub with a modern twist”, landlord Mr O’Neill took over the reins in July 2022 as he looked to steady the ship.
But he was greeted with licensing issues that meant the establishment closed temporarily.
The planning application states Mr O’Neill – who also manages The Plough Inn in Ripple – had invested more than £64,000 to keep the pub afloat since the start of his tenancy.
“They advised the pub was well supported by residents but this was not enough to maintain a profitable business and they were forced to close in January 2024,” documents added.
“The current building is in disrepair and would require a large investment to make it both compliant and habitable.
“Issues include many leaks in the roof, kitchen extraction not fit for purpose and the absence of heating throughout the building other than the bar area, which has resulted in a lot of dampness. A full refurbishment is needed.
“The pub has been marketed with Miles and Barr since August 5.
“However, no offers for the asking price have been received and no real interest generated other than for a development opportunity.”
The first reference to a public house at the property was in 1740 when it was known as The Horse and Hound – only earning its new name in the 1800s.
It was also one of the first in east Kent to introduce a smoking ban – bringing the rule into effect in 2004 before the habit of smoking indoors at public venues was eventually outlawed across the nation in 2007.