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Residents are split down the middle over whether a disused care home should be replaced by two sets of flats.
Ninety-six out of 189 residents giving views say yes - but another 90 say no.
The remaining three were totally neutral.
They were consulted over plans to knock down the care home, which has been vacant for three years, at the Grove Villa site of Mill Road, Deal, and replace it with 28 homes.
The figures come from public comments on the Dover District Council planning portal, with the application due to be voted on by councillors tonight.
Those in favour say more housing is needed as local people are struggling to get on the property ladder.
They say this is not a major build and would re-use a derelict site.
Those against say it is an overdevelopment which would worsen the area's traffic problems and increase parking pressures.
Opponents say the care home could be converted to family homes rather than be demolished, saying that its existing buildings are not derelict.
They add that Deal has already met its government targets for new housing.
Impact Developments Deal Ltd wants the main set of flats as a three-storey block with eight one-bed homes and eight two-beds. There would also be 12 one-bed supported living units in a one- to two- storey block.
Deal Town Council says the project is not in keeping with surrounding properties and not compatible with the Mill Road street scene.
Kent County Council's highways department says it has no objections provided there is sufficient parking and cycle storage and that there are enough electric charging points.
Dover District Council planning officers recommend that councillors should approve the scheme.
They say it would be good use of a brownfield site, is at an acceptable density and would help meet local housebuilding targets. They add that the larger block is a high standard of design.
The officers also say and there are no highway safety objections from officials.
They add and the development would not significantly push up traffic or on-street parking demand as the developers were providing enough spaces,
The application will be discussed at the Dover District Council planning committee meeting tonight (Thursday) from 6pm at the authority's council chamber at the White Cliffs Business Park, Whitfield.