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Grittersaurus Rex voted best name for new KCC gritter in Ben Pearce’s kmfm Getting You Home show

A kmfm competition to name a Kent road gritter has found a winner.

The truck will be officially called Grittersaurus Rex, Ben Pearce announced on today’s Getting You Home show.

Grittersaurus Rex will be hitting Kent’s roads this winter
Grittersaurus Rex will be hitting Kent’s roads this winter

Grittersaurus Rex garnered almost 400 votes after listeners were asked to choose between five finalists.

The other suggested names were Luke Grittler, Orlando Blooming Cold, Claudia Sprinkleman and Ctrl-Salt-Delete.

Last week, Ben gave a special on-air mention to Kent's hard-working gritter drivers, recognising their efforts in keeping the county's roads safe during the winter months.

And he played a clip of their parody of Vanilla Ice’s ‘Ice Ice Baby.’

Following the show, one of Kent County Council’s drivers, Garry, got in touch and suggested that kmfm listeners named the next gritter lorry.

Katie Saunders thought of the winning name
Katie Saunders thought of the winning name
kmfm's Ben Pearce
kmfm's Ben Pearce

Grittersaurus Rex was suggested by Katie Charlier from Dover who received a surprise live phone call from Ben on his show to reveal her suggestion will be printed on the side of the vehicle.

You can watch Katie’s reaction here.

Some entries that narrowly missed out on being finalists included Gritty Gritty Bang Bang, Taylor Drift, Snow-oel Ghallagher and Jennifer Snow-plez.

For more information about Kent’s gritting operations, visit here.

You can listen to kmfm here including the all-new kmfm Breakfast with Rob and Numi, weekdays from 6.30am.

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