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by Anna White
Schoolchildren couldn't believe their eyes today when three runaway horses broke into their playground.
The youngsters were greeted by their new four-legged friends when they turned up this morning at St Peter's C of E Primary School in Aylesford.
The nags had escaped from a nearby field at about 6.30am.
School caretaker Ann Battell and villagers, including one lady in a dressing gown, managed to round them up and kept them in the school playground until their owner arrived at about 9am.
Officers from Kent Police also arrived to lend a hand.
School secretary Jan Baxter said: "The horses caused a lot of excitement.
"I would even say the teachers were more excited than the children!
"The children couldn't believe it when they turned up for school. They all gathered round and were feeding the horses carrots.
"It was certainly a random way to start the day."
Another member of staff said the woman in her dressing gown had been asleep on the sofa when she heard the horses trotting past her house and ran out to help.
The horses were being looked after by their owner's daughter, who told staff she was relieved to find them safe and sound.
Head teacher Simon Temple missed all of the excitement as he was working from home that morning.
He said: "It all happens when I'm not there!
"I was really quite gutted I missed it all but from what I heard the horses caused quite a commotion.
"The lady in her dressing gown went back to her house and brought back from straw from a hamster cage for the horses to eat.
"I was so proud of our school caretaker Ann Battell as she is terrified of horses but managed to get them into the school. She did really well."