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A motor neurone disease sufferer was fleeced by a carer who used his bank cards to withdraw large amounts of cash.
Catch up with all the week’s football fixtures and results here.
A mum-of-two died in her sleep after an ambulance sent to her home was cancelled just minutes before it was due to arrive, an inquest has heard.
George Elokobi says Maidstone players have taken his comments on the chin.
A shoplifter told magistrates he would never offend again after kicking his drug habit into touch and getting a job.
George Elokobi felt Maidstone looked flat in their 2-0 home defeat by relegation battlers Aveley on Tuesday night.
Proposals to create an urban town council to address a “democratic deficit” could result in the abolition of 12 existing parish councils.
Commuters are facing delays on Southeastern trains this morning due to signalling problems at two stations.
Maidstone limped to defeat against Aveley on a sombre night at the Gallagher Stadium.
Two more HMO applications are to be considered in part of a town which already has the highest proportion of that type of housing in a borough.
A mum has set up a charity after her nine-year-old girl was diagnosed with a life-limiting condition that affects just 500 people worldwide.
Nine illegal weapons and seven internet-enabled devices that had not been declared were found by police during a check of a sex offender’s home.
A landlady has described how her pub “shook visibly” as a juggernaut smashed into the building twice after getting stuck in a road closure.
A parking company has backed down after KentOnline took on the case of a pensioner who was fined despite correctly paying to visit a shopping centre.
Drivers experienced delays after a major route was partially blocked following a collision.
Police have safely located a missing teenage girl who was last seen on Friday.
A borough’s three biggest housing schemes – which would see 8,300 new properties – are being put under the microscope.
Traditional tea room melodies, folk dancing and colourful costumes welcomed the Year of the Snake in a town centre.
A chef was driven away from the scene of a crash by his boss’s mother-in-law after he hit a parked car.
A 13-year-old dog is lucky to be alive after swallowing a nicotine-filled vape pod during a walk.