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Maidstone bid to start another unbeaten run when they visit struggling Weymouth in National League South tonight.
A family of a child with special needs who missed out on education for two years has been awarded more than £18,000 by Kent County Council.
Councillors who voted to refuse housing plans for an orchard were stopped from making the decision.
The owners of a countryside holiday let have revealed plans to expand the business in the hopes of bringing something new to the area.
A council has granted itself permission to build two more blocks of flats in a bid to ease the housing shortage.
A dad who hit his teenage daughter on the head with a German beer mug, leaving her with a "nasty" gash above her eyebrow, has been spared jail.
The county council has been urged to look north for inspiration to end a six-year deadlock on a much-needed junction improvement.
Police have arrested four people and seized £20,000 of cigarettes and vapes in a crackdown on the sale of illegal products.
George Elokobi said Chesham “wanted it a little bit more” after Maidstone lost their long unbeaten record on Saturday.
A huge housing scheme in the heart of the Kent countryside has cost taxpayers millions of pounds -much of it in lawyer’s fees - and is set to rise.
Maidstone’s four-month unbeaten run in National League South is over after losing at Chesham.
An Indian takeaway will expand and takeover a village funeral parlour as it seeks to meet demand for food orders online.
A man has been arrested as multiple police vehicles were spotted in a town centre.
A violent offender is back behind bars after he headbutted and repeatedly stamped on a man's head during a night out enjoying birthday celebrations.
Football can resume on a school’s new £700,000 3G sports pitch after a council lifted its whistle ban.
A drug dealer who filmed himself delivering and weighing cocaine has been sentenced after police found the footage on his phone.
A road has been closed by police while officers help with a civil enforcement action.
Former Maidstone midfielder Micky Phillips has big ambitions after taking his first manager’s job.
Ex-Maidstone boss Hakan Hayrettin says it was an honour to manage Dulwich Hamlet.
A prolific shoplifter who left a man unresponsive in an attack outside a block of flats could have killed his victim, a court heard.