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Britain’s Got Talent semi-finalists The Jive Aces will help reformed addict Saf Buxy push a no drugs message in Maidstone

A man who turned his own life around after a 33-year addiction to drink and drugs is hoping to help others avoid the misery that he and his family endured.

Saf Buxy has been clean for the past nine years after a life-saving visit to the Change Grow Life (CGL) charity in Maidstone’s Mill Street.

Saf Buxy has set up his own charity
Saf Buxy has set up his own charity

Now Dr Buxy, 52, has established his own charity called Help Us Help and has dedicated his life to helping others.

This Saturday, he has organized an event sponsored by the Drug Free World campaign, which will be held in Jubilee Square in Maidstone.

Helping him spread the message will be The Jive Aces - the energetic swing band who were semi-finalists on Britain’s Got Talent in 2012.

They will be playing at the event between 2pm and 4pm.

Dr Buxy said: “I was addicted to alcohol, cocaine and gambling. My life was a disaster. I put my wife and family through so much pain.”

The Jive Aces back the anti-drugs message
The Jive Aces back the anti-drugs message

“Despite that I still didn’t want to seek help. It was only because my wife and daughter went with me that I even went to CGL.

“But while I was there, I broke down. I was in tears for about 20 minutes.

“And I realised that I was done. That was the start of my path to recovery.”

But Dr Buxy, from Curzon Road, Maidstone, says the drugs scene in his home town is little changed from his days of addiction.

He said: “If anything, it’s worse.”

The swing band will be performing in Maidstone
The swing band will be performing in Maidstone

“A couple of weeks ago, my son was assaulted in the town centre in an attack that was fueled by drink and drugs.”

He is hoping his event will provide the truth about addiction to casual drug-users or those thinking of experimenting.

Since breaking his own addictions, Dr Buxy has become a qualified psychotherapist, radio broadcaster, behavioural coach and a United Nations Peace Ambassador.

His charity has helped refugees in Jordan, distributed blankets to the homeless in London’s The Strand and held Drug Free World events, the most recent being two weeks ago in Bromley.

Everyone is invited to the Maidstone event on Saturday.

A Drug Free World event will be held in Maidstone on Saturday
A Drug Free World event will be held in Maidstone on Saturday

Further information is available here.

You can also contact Dr Buxy on 020 3667 9216.

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