Bradley Garmston blocks a shot from Calvin Andrew Picture: Ady KerryAlex Lacey gets the ball out of defence under pressure from Matthew Gillam Picture: Ady KerryTom Eaves holds the ball up Picture: Ady KerryFrustration for Josh Parker Picture: Ady KerryMark Byrne jumps for the ball with Oliver Rathbone Picture: Ady KerryCallum Reilly cuts out a ball meant for Callum Camps Picture: Ady KerryAlex Lacey is outmuscled in the air by Calvin Andrew Picture: Ady KerryGills manager Steve Lovell was left with plenty to ponder Picture: Ady KerryNavid Nasseri under pressure from Matthew Gillam Picture: Ady KerryCallum Reilly can't face the result Picture: Ady Kerry