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Opinion: Tailgating on the M2, jumping red lights, potholes and cutting in on the M26 - are these the most annoying driving habits in Kent?

Driving around Kent’s roads can be both inspiring and hair-raising in equal measure.

But are these the 10 issues – in no particular order - which most enrage motorists?

Temporary traffic lights are one thing - folk jumping red lights something else entirely
Temporary traffic lights are one thing - folk jumping red lights something else entirely

1. Temporary traffic lights are no stranger to Kent’s roads. Normally surrounding a hole in the ground where workmen are conspicuous by their absence. And, there’s no denying, it’s extremely frustrating when you get stuck in a queue of traffic as a consequence. Especially when only chunks of the queue can get through during the brief moment the lights are green. Yet, as you patiently wait for your turn, how many times do the lights change in your favour only for numerous cars to continue speeding through, quite clearly jumping the red light at the other end and risking a head-on smash? In doing so, it gives the waiting queue about 10 seconds to move before they’re on red again. Which, inevitably, means loads more drivers will do it themselves.

2. Roundabouts are a simple and, normally, highly effective method to keep busy junctions moving. But smaller ones can come to a grinding halt when a driver decides they want to give way to those waiting to pull out on the left, rather than the more conventional right. Which then grinds the whole thing to a halt as everyone pauses wondering just what is going on…normally before all, simultaneously, set off at the same time and jamming their brakes on as a consequence. The Square, in Birchington, is a particular favourite of these indecisive drivers.

3. On the M26, currently, there are roadworks. The two lanes merge into one – something signposted from some considerable distance out. So why, pray tell, do so many motorists think when everyone else manoeuvres themselves into the correct, not-about-to-be-coned-off lane, do so many think they can leave it until the last minute to be let in? M26 users, it should be said, are far from alone in this most annoying of habits.

4. I’ve written before about my hatred of the M2 when it switches from three down to a miserly two lanes, coastbound, after Medway. Yet, it is that very stretch which seems to specialise in tailgaters. You’re trundling along at 70mph in the over-taking lane as you pass a sluggish lorry when, lo, behind you looms a, let’s just randomly say, male BMW driver, who has decided to intimidate you by driving about one millimetre off your back bumper. Why? I have no idea. I’m sure the 30 seconds faster they reach their destination is worth all the death-defying (if they’re lucky) antics.

5. Driving at night can be a pain. Driving at night at half the speed limit is, I’d argue, potentially dangerous. Compounding that by slowing down yet further every time a car comes in the opposite direction because you can’t see the edges of the road, suggests your eyesight is not sufficiently good enough to be out on the roads after the sun sets. Better safe than sorry I can agree with. Driving so slowly you’re proving a danger to others, is not.

The M2 - so often home to the tailgater. Picture: National Highways
The M2 - so often home to the tailgater. Picture: National Highways

6. The M20’s wide expanse of lanes sits in stark contrast to its primarily two-lane M2 neighbour. Yet those who sit in the middle lane when the two either side are clear, defy logic. Lane hogging; an oldie but a goodie.

7. Can there be anything more frustrating than that dull clunk when you hit a pothole you didn’t spot along a road? And Kent’s highways are full of the things. Worse are when they’re hidden in puddles, providing you with zero chance of avoiding them and damaging your tyres.

8. A few weeks back, I was driving across the Romney Marsh at dusk. It had been a bit foggy, but visibility was pretty decent. Until, of course, I got stuck on its windy roads behind a car with its fog lights on. They dazzle to an alarming degree, don’t they? Turn the ruddy things off unless it’s a real peasouper/pouring with so much rain normal lights are obscured.

9. When driving anywhere in the vicinity of Westwood Cross in Thanet it is, surely, only a matter of time before an ambulance, sirens on, lights flashing are caught in your rear-view mirror heading to or from the nearby QEQM Hospital. Like all good motorists, you pull over where it’s safe to do so and let them rush by without having to take their foot off the gas. However, on multiple occasions, having pulled over, motorists on the other side of the road decide to stop too…directly opposite. Thus, ensuring there’s then not enough space for the ambulance to squeeze past. Doh!

10. Drive anywhere rural on a Sunday morning and the chances are you’ll encounter cyclists. Don’t you just hate it? Nope, I’m just joking. They do, believe it or not, have just as much right as you do to be using the roads, so cut them some slack and make sure you don’t drive so close to them your wing mirror brushes their shoulders. They may delay you for a minute, but it’s not the end of the world, is it?

See an accident? Don’t slow down to gawp… Picture: iStock
See an accident? Don’t slow down to gawp… Picture: iStock

10a. As that last one didn’t really count, I wrap this up by pointing out the continued frustration of rubbernecking - slowing down as you pass an accident so you can see what’s going on. Some poor soul is having a hell of a time…you don’t need to stick your snout in. Plus, almost without exception, the slow traffic proceeding the accident - often on the opposite side of the road and having no impact on the flow on the side you’re travelling, magically dissipates once you’re past it.

Got more that drive you mad? Drop them in the comments section below…

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