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An abandoned holiday camp could be redeveloped into a “holiday destination” as bosses discuss the site’s future.
New boss Nicky Southall has identified a lack of fitness as the major issue holding back Lydd Town.
A 700-year-old pub has gone up for sale with its landlady admitting she is looking forward to riding off into the sunset.
A depraved former councillor and teacher at a prestigious school who repeatedly grabbed pupils’ genitals has died in prison.
Take a look inside this unique Kent house on an “apocalyptic” beach estate where Ed Sheeran owns a home.
Christmas joy has been dampened for families in Kent after scrooges targeted festive displays, cutting down lights and leaving homeowners frustrated.
Staff have been drug tested and sniffer dogs deployed after a bag of powder was found at a power station
Hundreds of residents have signed a petition against plans for Kent’s biggest solar farm amid fears the scheme will cause “irreversible damage”.
New beach huts are finally set to be built after “hugely frustrating” funding concerns meant an additional £140,000 had to be spent.
The future of an abandoned seaside holiday park is still in “limbo” with bosses showing no signs of reopening the site.
Nicky Southall faces a swift reunion with his old club when Lydd host Lordswood in a bottom-two clash this weekend.
Water quality levels at two busy beaches have been downgraded to the worst-possible rating following investigations by the Environment Agency.
A wheelchair user who cuts and bashes his knees as he manoeuvres around his home, is sick of waiting to be moved into a more suitable property.
There are fears a village could be swallowed up by “mammoth” plans for the largest solar farm ever proposed for Kent.
Nicky Southall has made a quick return to football management as the new head coach of Lydd Town.
A “loss-making” shop at a popular nature reserve is to close as a charity can no longer afford to run it.
Warning, graphic images: A man has been left with life-changing injuries after being trapped for 20 minutes under a two-tonne weight at work.
The largest solar farm ever proposed for Kent could generate enough power for 20% of homes in the county, it has been claimed.
Teachers at a primary school previously rated ‘requires improvement’ are over the moon to have turned things around after their latest inspection.
A village’s only pub had its licence stripped after police raised concerns over public safety and drinking into the early hours.