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A couple described as still in love in their nineties and "soulmates" died in a double tragedy at their home.
A terminally-ill man whose wife is behind bars for plotting to kill him says he intends to stay alive long enough so “she can come back home”.
There are fears schoolchildren will be put in danger by lorries reversing down a narrow country lane to access a new housing development.
The big portions and affordable prices at this restaurant are praised on Tripadvisor - but would our experience match the rave reviews?
A pub landlord has called time at the bar quoting music legend Bob Dylan to announce the closure of the town centre boozer.
An energy storage facility has been given the green light despite fears it could “threaten the lives and health of residents”.
Police have been called after protesters stormed into a business park, blocking roads and painting buildings red.
A head teacher has dismissed claims pupils are not "prepared for life in modern Britain" following a damning Ofsted report.
The death of a 13-year-old has inspired a remarkable legacy, raising £300,000 and helping to train more than 100 medical staff in paediatric care.
A CCTV image has been released of a woman police would like to speak to after pro-Palestine protestors stormed a weapons factory.
A half-finished paint job on a Kent road has been described as a perfect example of “not my job, mate” culture.
A family who sold their own home to buy a farm shop are now planning to replace it and add a new cafe.
Betteshanger Colliery Welfare CC all-rounder Derek Towe hit the winning runs for England in their Over-70s Cricket World Cup final seven-wicket win.
A retired GP died from a gunshot wound and his wife had fatal levels of potassium cyanide, an inquest has heard.
A much-loved fish and chip shop will close at the end of the month as its long-time owners are retiring after 43 years at the helm.
Police have arrested two men following reports of vehicle-related thefts.
Captain Tom Chapman thinks there will still be plenty more twists and turns during the rest of Sandwich Town’s season - despite back-to-back wins.
A dramatic video has captured the moment a huge RAF aircraft flew close to the Kent coastline.
Skipper Tom Chapman is predicting an interesting few weeks as Sandwich Town - along with the rest of the division - adapt to some key changes.
Officers continue to investigate at the scene after a man and woman in their 90s were found dead at a town centre address.