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A 13-year-old who stabbed a teenage girl in the street has been spared a prison sentence.
A teen was arrested and others moved on after a dispersal order was brought in a week after McDonald’s staff were ‘attacked’
The latest in a line of bin blunders has seen letters with incorrect dates for a bin-day change sent to hundreds of homes across a borough.
A potential buyer has put in an offer for a prominent town centre building which was formerly a Wilko.
In an unusual case, a dangerous driver who paralysed a grandad after a serious crash has been locked up again - but for a more serious offence.
Putting up parking prices by at least 10p is among proposals that could hit a borough’s residents in the pocket - and it still leaves a £1.5m gap.
The founder of an animal charity who attended a court hearing and planning appeal in the same week says keeping it going has been “relentless”.
Parents, pupils and staff at a 146-year-old grammar school have been “reassured” after asbestos was left behind following work on an old block.
The M2 was partially blocked following a crash involving three cars.
Sittingbourne players are running their own competition to be the club’s top performer.
A head-on smash between a bus and car – where the driver had to be cut out – sparked a huge emergency response.
A 15-year-old has been arrested at a secondary school following reports of McDonald’s staff members being assaulted.
A former police officer who investigated necrophiliac David Fuller is calling on new MPs to support his efforts to change the law on abuse of corpses.
Two landlords are thousands of pounds out of pocket after being fined for overcrowding and unsafe living conditions in an HMO.
A dad-of-one stormed into the home of his father and stepmum and attacked the pair after accusing them of blocking access to his child.
Fast food workers have reported being assaulted by lawless teens as the town’s MP calls for action on anti-social behaviour in parliament.
A dad who has run every day for eight years has now set himself another mammoth challenge to raise money for the air ambulance.
A 35-year-old man has been arrested after an antique shop was targeted twice in 11 days.
A by-election for a seat on a borough council has been won by an independent group candidate.
Organisers of a lights switch-on are raising money for security to help families feel “safe” after problems at the weekend.
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