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A “desperately needed” health hub has been approved despite concerns over parking.
The Broadstairs facility will offer offer primary care for 7,000 patients and up to 60,000 appointments a year, phased over five years.
At a Thanet District Council planning committee meeting last night, members voted unanimously to give the scheme the green light.
It comes after KCC Highways raised concerns over a lack of parking at the Northwood Road site, formerly a university building, claiming cars would spill onto busy neighbouring roads.
A travel management plan will have to be arranged between the authority and the applicant Kent Community Health Foundation Trust before work to change the use of the site can begin.
Once up and running, there will be a GP surgery, same-day access to primary care, community services, diagnostic provision district nursing and children’s services and voluntary sector services from Age UK.
Objecting to the scheme, KCC Highways said the 59 allocated parking spaces would not cover the number of cars using the hub.
The body wrote: “Without sufficient parking, the application is likely to lead to inconsiderate, haphazard and illegal parking.
“It would mean patients will be forced to seek parking elsewhere in the locality, thus promoting the crossing of an extremely busy major distributor road at less than desirable points.”
Speaking at the meeting, Cllr Steve Albon said: “If ever there was a use that’s needed it’s this one and I think it’s great they are taking over an empty existing property.
“Of course, KCC has concerns over traffic, I think we all do.
“What I would say is my grandchildren go to St George’s School, and parents park there to drop off and pick up kids.
“I think that’s something they need to take into consideration.”
The Labour representative suggested a barrier could be used to stop prohibited vehicles using the area.
“I just give this my fullest support because it would serve our residents so well. It’s something we desperately need,” he noted.
Cllr Jill Bayford (Con) added: “In principle, I wholeheartedly support this application because in my view the huge benefit to residents completely outweighs any harm.
“However, could we suggest potential crossing places to safeguard pedestrians?”
Cllr Jennifer Matterface (Lab) echoed these concerns, saying Northdown Road is currently very hazardous to cross.
She said the travel plan was “absolutely crucial” and hoped it would include a safer crossing.
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While recognising the need for the hub, Cllr Mike Garner (Green) said the parking issue was a very serious one, and referenced the recent intervention from East Thanet MP Polly Bollington, who called KCC’s objections “spurious” and accused them of trying to block a vital facility,
He explained: “As KCC highways’ report - which I didn’t find spurious at all - highlights this is a busy area all day.
“There’s a McDonald's drive-thru and a KFC down the road add to that.
“It really is imperative that the travel plan is robust.
The group all voted in favour of deferring and delegating the application for approval subject to the submission of a legal agreement for the travel plan.