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Bid to bring Ashford crash victim Mati Tabaka to his home country Poland raises £6,000 in 20 hours

By: Chantal Weller

Published: 15:12, 01 August 2023

Updated: 16:18, 01 August 2023

More than £6,000 has been raised in less than 24 hours towards repatriating a young man killed in a crash.

Mati Tabaka was a passenger in a black VW Golf which collided with the Flanders Field roundabout in Ashford in the early hours of Sunday.

A balloon reading ‘rest in peace Mati’

Emergency crews were called at 12.10am but the 20-year-old tragically died at the scene.

Floral tributes and handwritten notes have been left on the pavement along Malcolm Sargent Road nearby.

A Gofundme page has also been set up to raise money towards ensuring Mati can be laid to rest in his home country of Poland.


It has been online for just 20 hours but more than £6,500 has already been donated.

A message on the page says: “As most of you already know over the last 48 hours we’ve lost a very special friend which we all shared.

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Mati Tabaka has been named locally as the victim of a devastating crash at the Flanders Field roundabout in Ashford

“Mati really was one of a kind person. He was someone who always managed to make people smile and laugh, someone that took care of everyone around him.

“He had a huge heart that he wanted to heal everyone with.

“He would have loved all the memories that everyone is sharing for him.

“Now, knowing that he was a Polish man at heart no matter where he was, his body will be laid at rest there, where he will finally be at peace.

“With the current finance situation transporting him will not be cheap, therefore I’d like to use this opportunity to ask everyone for any donation that will help his family get him to where he belongs and give him the goodbye he truly deserves.

The fatal collision happened in the early hours of Sunday

“I know that he would appreciate each and every one one of you so much for all your support and help and his family will be forever grateful for any help during this tragic time.”


Almost 200 people have made donations.

They have also left comments describing Mati as having the “purest heart”, the “kindest soul” and being “the funniest person”.

Others say he was a “kind and caring boy” who will be sadly missed.

Three other people were in the car when it crashed at the junction of Bad Munstereifel Road and Jacques Faucheux Avenue.

Tributes have been paid to Mati Tabaka following a crash in Ashford

A 20-year-old man and two 19-year-old men were taken to hospital with serious injuries. All four men are understood to be former North School pupils.

The air ambulance was also called to the scene, along with six fire engines and two height vehicles.

Firefighters used cutting tools and hydraulic rescue equipment to free the casualties and left just after 5am.

Further tributes to Mati have been left along the pavement near the roundabout.

They include flowers, handwritten notes and candles laid in the shape of an M.

“You will forever remain alive in our hearts...”

There are also pictures of him with his friends and a balloon reading ‘Rest in peace Mati’.

Bottles of vodka and several Tyskie Gronies, a polish beer, have been left, as well as shot glasses.

One of the notes read: “Mati, You were such a good friend to our son.

“Absolutely devastated and words can’t describe the pain. We will never forget you. Fly high Mati.”

Another tribute says: “I cannot believe my friend is no more. You will forever remain alive in our hearts.”

Bottles of vodka and a Polish beer have also been laid in Malcolm Sargent Road as well as shot glasses

Tributes were also paid online. One person wrote on Facebook: “I can’t believe this has happened. May you rest in peace Mati Tabaka.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has dashcam footage is asked to contact the appeal line on 01622 798538 or email quoting RY/MD/080/23.

Footage can be uploaded via this link.

A Facebook post yesterday said a Holy Mass for Mati was due to be held at 10.30am today at St Teresa R C Church.

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