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Contractors have finally started a £6.6m restoration of a dilapidated seafront lift which bosses hope will reopen next year.
Motorists are facing lengthy delays after a motorway collision lead to a fuel spill.
In this week’s Kent Politics Podcast our reporters talk with a key campaigner about a controversial housing plan set to cost the taxpayer millions.
A brand-new column is being launched this weekend which reviews the best and worst wine bars, cocktail lounges, and upmarket venues in Kent.
An air ambulance was called after a fight erupted inside a family pub leaving a man requiring hospital treatment.
A former brickworks site, bare and derelict for decades, will be revived with 77 homes and business space after the site was finally sold.
Three play parks are set for major overhauls as part of a £180,000 renovation project.
A tribunal has suspended the paramedic who caused the death of a colleague through careless driving but did not ban him from the profession.
A family and dog friendly pub is looking for a new landlord or lady to take over the reins when it reopens after a major refurbishment project.
A medical practice group has taken the “difficult decision” to apply to close one of its four surgeries due to high running costs.
Traffic is queuing on a main route after a single-vehicle collision.
If you love a bar where can you chat, laugh and drink proper beer? Secret Drinker has just the place.
A family and dog friendly pub is looking for a new landlord or lady to take over the reins when it reopens after a major refurbishment project.
Karan Gokani, who co-founded London restaurant chain Hoppers, is treating Kent foodies to a one-off multi-course meal.
Holocaust Educational Trust chief executive, Karen Pollock, said eyewitnesses ‘will not be here forever’.
Operator can use a web browser to carry out tasks – such as booking services or online shops – autonomously once instructed by the user.
Craig Revel Horwood said Friday’s live performance of the hit dancing show in Glasgow had been cancelled and rescheduled for Sunday evening.
A gust of almost 93mph was recorded in Co Down.
Laila Soueif has critcised the Prime Minister for not having ‘deigned to reply’ to a letter she sent him about her son’s plight.
The proportion of people saying the UK was heading in the wrong direction has fallen to the same level as just before the election.
The Old Bailey heard how Deveca Rose and the children had been living in squalor.
The Met Office has issued red and amber warnings across much of the country and people have been warned to stay indoors.
The tool is a system the princess saw in practice during a 2022 visit to Denmark.
Flights and trains have been cancelled and red weather warnings are in place in Scotland and Northern Ireland as Storm Eowyn hits the UK.
If you love a bar where can you chat, laugh and drink proper beer? Secret Drinker has just the place.
A family and dog friendly pub is looking for a new landlord or lady to take over the reins when it reopens after a major refurbishment project.
Karan Gokani, who co-founded London restaurant chain Hoppers, is treating Kent foodies to a one-off multi-course meal.