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Application for village green status for land in The Pasture, Kennington, Ashford, rejected

By: Oliver Leonard

Published: 15:08, 05 October 2023

Updated: 15:46, 05 October 2023

Concerned residents fear for the future of open land after an application to designate it as a village green was turned down.

Neighbours wanted to keep the green space in The Pasture in Kennington, Ashford as a “peaceful area for people to use”.

Residents at The Pasture have been left feeling devastated by the decision from Kent County Council. Picture: Ellie Crook

The bid would have also protected it from potential future development.

Kennington Community Council submitted the application to Kent County Council (KCC) but the authority has dismissed it.

The result has left members of the community fearing for the future of the site.


Ellie Crook, who is a resident on the street, told of her disappointment at the decision and believes the space is “not only good for the mental health of our residents but also helps reduce loneliness”.

She added: “We may have lost this battle, but the fight is not over yet.

One resident, who moved to The Pasture in 1968, says the land is a “safe space for the children to play”. Picture: Ellie Crook

“Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has approved it as an asset of community value and they have also advised us to consider all the other green and open spaces in the area.

“Every child should have the right to play in spaces like our green, a local green space where they feel safe, just like so many of my neighbours' children have done.”

Ms Crook was not alone in her opinion, as many other residents in the area have expressed their sadness at the decision from KCC.

One resident, who moved to The Pasture in 1968, says the land was a “safe space for the children to play”.

“The children all played safely together on ‘our green’ and we always knew where they were,” they added.

Neighbours wanted to keep the green space as a “peaceful area for people to use”. Picture: Google

“We’ve celebrated many firework nights, barbecues, the Queen’s Jubilee, New Year’s Eves amongst others and during Covid it gave us a chance to sit and socialise safely together.”


Another neighbour, who moved to the area in 1983, says the idea of houses being built on the space is “heartbreaking”.

They went on: “Since moving here in 1983 my children and now my grandchildren as well enjoyed playing on the green and as parents, it was a safe place for them to play and ride their bicycles and scooters.

“The thought of more houses being built on our green is heartbreaking to say the least.”

Cllr Chris Morley, a representative for Kennington Community Council, believes the application should have been accepted as the land has “not been used for anything else in the half-century since it was laid out as open space”.

The green strip of land in Quantock Drive was marked as a village green last month

He added: “I felt it was unfortunate that the county councillors tasked with making this decision had not visited the site, which would have put our application in context and provided an opportunity to talk to the residents who submitted evidence.

“It would surely have been useful for the county councillors to raise questions on this point during the hearing.”

It comes as neighbours on the Quantock Drive estate in Ashford had their bid accepted to designate a strip of land as a village green.

In response to the application at The Pasture being rejected, a KCC spokesman said: “Our role is to determine applications to register village greens on the basis of the legislation, regulations and case law.

“In this case, it was determined that a village green should not be registered.”

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