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Former Bexleyheath Academy maths teacher banned after forming inappropriate relationships with two former pupils

By: Alan Smith

Published: 16:16, 06 March 2023

Updated: 18:13, 06 March 2023

A maths teacher who developed inappropriate relationships with two former pupils – including inviting one to do drugs at his house – and has been banned from the profession.

Monday Ilenotuma, who joined Bexleyheath Academy in July 2016, was suspended in October 2018 following complaints from ex-students.

Bexleyheath Academy: Image Google

That September, 48-year-old Illenotuma began emailing a female pupil who had left the academy and was in Year 13 at another school.

He also sent her numerous WhatsApp messages – one stage nearly 400 in just 22 days, including messages some sent late in the evening and at weekends.

A disciplinary panel heard that he had discussed his personal life with her and commented upon her Instagram posts, and had discussed plans to meet up with her, saying: "You know what, why don't we hang out during midterm?"


He also referenced drug use and invited her to come to his house to take drugs. He told her he didn't wear pyjamas to bed and asked her about her period.

He also sent her a message saying she looked "radiant".

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He has been banned from teaching indefinitely

The exchange about drugs went like this:

Pupil A: "Why what are you doing"

Mr Ilenotuma: "Make some money"

Pupil A: "Doing what"

Mr Ilenotuma: "Dr*g"


Pupil A: "What you got? Can I have some"

Mr Ilenotuma: "You welcome…when do you wanna come over for some…"

The pupils received a series of WhatsApp messages. Picture: iStock

At around the same time, he also sought to develop an inappropriate relationship with a second child, a Year 10 pupil at another school but also formerly at Bexleyheath Academy. He told her she looked "beautiful" after she sent him a picture of her new glasses and discussed her health.

Ilenotuma admitted sending the messages but denied that he sought an inappropriate relationship, saying he was acting out of "pastoral concern."

The first girl reported him to her school.

She told staff: "I don’t want him to keep texting me because it makes me feel uncomfortable, because what he says can be taken either way, and I think he means it in an inappropriate way but he's trying to make out like he doesn’t."

A disciplinary panel found his messages to be unacceptable professional conduct and also conduct that could bring the profession into disrepute.

"The panel was not persuaded that he fully understood why his actions were wrong..."

During the hearing, the panel heard that Ilenotuma had been regarded as a "good teacher" and a "solid tutor."

They also took into account that there was no allegation that Mr Ilenotuma's conduct was sexually-motivated.

But they concluded: "The panel was satisfied that the conduct of Mr Ilenotuma amounted to misconduct of a serious nature which fell significantly short of the standards expected of the profession.

"The panel was troubled by the lack of insight demonstrated by Mr Ilenotuma. In particular, the panel was not persuaded that he fully understood why his actions were wrong. The panel was also concerned that Mr Ilenotuma had not considered how his actions may have affected the pupils involved."

While banning Ilenotuma from teaching for an indefinite period, the panel ruled that he could seek to have the ban reviewed after two years.

A spokesman for Bexleyheath Academy said: "The safeguarding of our students is our number one priority and this type of behaviour is completely inappropriate and represents a gross breach of trust.

"As soon as we were made aware, we suspended this individual and moved to dismissal.

"We are pleased that the Teaching Regulation Agency has taken action to ban this individual from teaching for an indefinite period of time.”

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