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Canterbury Jewellers and Pawnbrokers raided by gang with crowbars

By: Gerry Warren

Published: 05:00, 14 June 2023

Updated: 14:01, 14 June 2023

Staff at a family-run jewellers have been left heartbroken after a crowbar-wielding gang ransacked the shop during a “brutal” smash-and-grab raid.

The thieves forced their way into Canterbury Jewellers and Pawnbrokers in St Peter’s Street and stuffed laundry bags with more than 100 items.

The manager of Canterbury Jewellers and Pawnbrokers, Kimberley Skelcher

They also left a devastating trail of destruction after shattering glass cabinets to reach valuables, including a number of vintage watches.

Alerted by an alarm sounded as the gang started their break-in attempt, shop manager Kimberley Skelcher arrived at the scene minutes after the burglars fled, at about 4am on Friday.

She estimates the cost of the damage and thefts to be in the tens of thousands of pounds.


“It was heartbreaking to see the state of the place,” she said.

“We all work hard as a team and it’s very upsetting.

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The burglars used crowbars to smash display cabinets at Canterbury Jewellers and Pawnbrokers

“As well as the thefts, so much damage has been caused with the brutal force used with crowbars, which is captured on our CCTV.

“It’s sad that some people think they can just help themselves to what other people have worked for.”

Despite losing about 40 watches, dozens of gold rings and diamond necklaces, Mrs Skelcher says the gang was unable to access personal jewellery pawned by customers and other valuables in for repair, which were locked in a vault.

Also out of reach were a number of high-end watches made by Rolex and Cartier.

Mrs Skelcher says so tight is security at the shop that the burglars struggled to gain entry for some time and spent just 90 seconds inside as the alarm sounded.

Staff survey the damage at Canterbury Jewellers and Pawnbrokers

“We obviously have strict security measures in place but it’s a listed building so you can’t turn the whole place into a vault,” she added.


“Our staff are trained to be vigilant and what to do in the event of a robbery, but they are still very upset, of course.

“I am just grateful that it happened when we were shut and consequently no one was harmed.

“Our owner, Tony Pearce, is also very upset, because although retired from the day-to-day running of the business, he is still passionate about it.”

The shop has been forced to shut, but Mrs Skelcher, who says she is still assessing the losses and damage, hopes to be back in business in a limited way next week.

“It’s probably going to take a couple of months to put everything right,” she added.

Police initially issued images of three men suspected of being involved and are now circulating a fourth.

CCTV images of three men have been released by Kent Police
An image of a fourth burglary suspect

Twelve years ago Mrs Skelcher was working for the firm in its former premises when it was raided by a gang with sledgehammers.

She says the most recent break-in has left staff shaken up, but they have been overwhelmed by messages of sympathy and support.

“People and customers have been so kind and we’ve had so many cards and messages on social media,” she said.

The burglars are thought to have fled on foot towards the Westgate Towers, before turning left into St Peter’s Grove.

Anyone with information or dashcam or doorbell footage should call police on 01843 222289, quoting 46/102026/23.

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