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Cllr Jeremy Kite maps out plans for Dartford

Published: 00:00, 31 May 2015

Updated: 16:49, 31 May 2015

Putting an end to the Lowfield Street saga is a top priority for Dartford council leader Jeremy Kite, after he extended his leadership for another four years.

In his first interview since he was re-elected, Cllr Kite pledged to do all he could to resolve the Tesco debacle, describing it as a blot on his record as leader of the authority.

In January, the supermarket abandoned plans to build a shop in Lowfield Street after 11 years of talks to regenerate the town centre.

Cllr Jeremy Kite is relieved about the plans

The ebullient Conservative has been hugely critical of Tesco but insisted a turning point was in sight as he set out his aims for the next four years.

Cllr Kite said: “I think we run a good council but I can’t look people in the eye and say we run a brilliant council until Lowfield Street is sorted. The people of Dartford have a right to see something happen there.


“We are working hard but we can’t magic up powers, we don’t own any of it, so we have to be realistic. I do think things are happening now.

“I’m not going to deny Lowfield Street and Tesco has been one of the huge disappointments for me over the past eight years.

“It has been disastrous the way Tesco has treated this town and we have seen they have treated a hundred others like it.

“I want this term to be one in which we see Lowfield Street completed and looking fantastic again.”

Where Tesco planned to build in Lowfield Street, before the firm pulled the plug on the scheme.

Although he admitted the council’s reputation took a hit over the scrapped development, it was not reflected in the polls with the Conservatives adding an extra five seats to strengthen their presence in Dartford.

Despite the new faces, Cllr Kite faces his next reign as leader without his former deputy Tony Martin, who stood down from the council because of work commitments.

Town member Chris Shippham has been named as his new right hand man while Ian Armitt is set to serve his third mayoral stint after replacing outgoing mayor Avtar Sandhu.


Other key pledges include tackling litter and anti-social behaviour in the town centre and helping to build a new rugby clubhouse at The Bridge.

Cllr Kite added: “I am enormously privileged to do this job. I go into the town, talk to people.

“I don’t tweet or use Facebook and I love hearing about things the council has done right and wrong.

“I was born and bred here and went to school in Dartford. It’s my home town and I don’t have any other ambitions other than to do things for my town.

“I love the job; I’m very fortunate to have it.”

Cllr Jeremy Kite is proud of what Dartford has, and can, achieve

Dartford council has an influential role to play in several significant government decisions over the next few years, insisted Cllr Kite.

He said his role as leader would be split between making decisions that directly affected Dartford residents and playing a huge role in making sure decisions taken by government were in the best interests of the borough.

The Department for Transport is set to rule on a third Thames crossing with one option alongside the existing bridge while London Paramount and Ebbsfleet Garden City remain projects on the horizon.

Cllr Kite said: “I’m a fan of both projects but I can see the need for a huge amount of work to be done in investment and planning.

“Paramount is a game changer, adding a real boost to local economies. The only issue is the transport, getting them in and out without disturbing people in Dartford.

"The Olympics has shown it can work. With Ebbsfleet I want to see a good design. It’s not just about giving people who can afford it great houses – it has to be for everyone.”

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