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Dartford manager Alan Dowson wants players to show their character and promises new signings ahead of weekend matches

By: Matthew Panting

Published: 05:00, 25 August 2022

Dartford manager Alan Dowson wants his players to show their fighting spirit - and quickly.

The Darts boss was alarmed at the perceived lack of fight during Saturday’s 2-1 defeat at Taunton.

Dartford manager Alan Dowson wants his players to have some fire in their belly. Picture : Keith Gillard

“We were in complete control at 1-0 and then the Achilles heel that they’ve had for the last two years came in - when we concede, everyone folds,” said Dowson.

“That’s the thing we’ve got to get out of the club. Tom Bonner and Connor Essam were great on Saturday, our two best players by a million miles, but Tom made one mistake with an unlucky bounce and they got in and scored.

“Three minutes later, a cross comes in and they got between my centre-halves and keeper and we lost 2-1.


“We’ve been watching the videos, when we concede and do wrong things, there’s a lot of hands up in the air.

“When you really need to dig in, that’s why you come up short when you’ve got players with loads of ability but they haven’t got that fight. I’ve got to get some fight into the club.

“I’m trying to do things a different way, we’re having overnight stops that I’ve got sponsored to make sure it’s different.

“We’re showing people videos so they can analyse where it’s going wrong but they’ve got to step their game up now.”

While quick to point out that it wasn’t down to former manager Steve King, Dowson believes it’s been a long-term issue at Princes Park within some players.

He knew something was quite right after the Darts faded following a quick start last season, and has found out why just four games into the campaign.


He added: “I let things go in pre-season. I knew there was an Achilles heel at the club, but I didn’t know what it was. I had to suss it out for myself.

“People are good when things are good, and not so good when things aren’t so good. There will be one or two people coming in this week. I don’t want to replace people as I think they’re good players but they’ve got to get that hunger if you want to win something.

“I was fuming on Saturday because even though we were in control, once we conceded it was a natural thing to concede again. These are mistakes we’ve got to get out.

“I studied them last year, Steve had a good side down here and he’s had a good side for the last few years. I looked at when they were so much on top and I thought they were going to win by October as they were that good.

“But I’ve seen now that when the going gets tough, it’s not Steve King’s fault, it’s the players, I see the signs. I said before the game that Taunton would be strong and in our faces, and we had a few people limping about and going through the motions and that’s not right - I think we’ve got better players than that.

“If they haven’t got that fire in the belly then they’re going to come up short. Surprised? No. In pre-season there was some good, bad and indifferent but I let it go because I wanted to know who could step up to how we want to play. I knew it would take five or six games to do that.

“Some of them have done very well and others not so good but the biggest thing is have we got the guts as a lot of teams now will come to us and say if we get at them then we might score a goal or two. We’ve got to prove that’s not the case.”

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Immediately after the game, Dowson gave an honest assessment of his team’s failings to the club’s social media team.He stands by those comments.

“I went on a bit on Saturday because I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m getting interviewed two minutes after the game,” reflected the Darts boss.

“Some of the things might be a bit harsh but the way I work is that I call (out) the players, no one else does. So if I’ve had a crack at them, no one else will. I put the pressure on me and keep it away from players, now and again I say things that are a bit over the top, I’ve nailed it and it’s up to me to sort it out.

“They’ve got to come into our way of thinking, if not then even if I’ve just signed them, they will have to go. The one thing I want here is a competitive team that’s going to work their socks off.

“I’ve seen a team that’s got loads of skill and flair, and we’ll win games that way. But when the crunch comes, will they win the battle at different places and that’s my biggest concern at the moment.”

Dartford host Worthing on Saturday and then make the trip to Hemel Hempstead on bank holiday Monday.

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