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George Michael was our baby hero says IVF mum Jo Maidment

By: Eleanor Perkins

Published: 13:00, 11 January 2017

Updated: 13:24, 11 January 2017

A woman from Deal given the chance to have a baby thanks to IVF treatment paid for by an anonymous “businessman” has only now revealed it was George Michael.

By 2010 Jo Maidment, 40, who works in Sainsbury’s in West Street, had spent nearly eight years trying for a baby with her husband, Will, 44.

She wrote into ITV’s This Morning about her frustration at not being eligible for IVF.

George Michael

After about four emails the show’s producers took notice, inviting her to take part in a debate about the issue.

Two days after her appearance, she was contacted by the personal assistant of a “businessman” who was willing to pay for her treatment.


With disbelief and astonishment, the couple accepted the gesture and, only after the birth of Betsy, now four, did they discover the gift came from Careless Whisper singer George.

Having kept it a secret even from their families, it is only since the 53-year-old’s death on Christmas Day that they have revealed his identity, with the blessing of his family.

Mrs Maidment said: “He was just such a generous man and we can’t thank him enough.

“Having Betsy is what we only ever wanted as a family.

“If it wasn’t for him I don’t know what we would have done. We’d just be working every hour to save the money.”

The couple had not been eligible for the fertility treatment on the NHS because Mr Maidment, a removals man, already had a daughter. It also came down to their postcode and their primary care trust.


Mrs Maidment said: “We just wanted a baby so badly and it wasn’t happening. I just thought that it really wasn’t fair so I wrote to everybody.”

The invitation to talk about the issue on television was a life changing move for the couple.

George Michael had been watching and his personal assistant, Michelle, had contacted the show asking for Mrs Maidment’s details.

The former Downs Primary School and Walmer Secondary pupil said: “When she called us, we didn’t agree straight away.

Jo Maidment, 40, was given the chance to have a baby thanks to IVF treatment paid for by George Michael

“When we did we were told to find a clinic that we liked. It didn’t have to be our local one. She said there was no rush. We could do it in our own time and, when we were ready, to give her a ring. We went for our first appointment and then called her and it was paid for.”

The first round of treatment did not work for the couple but the second attempt, a year later, using frozen embryos that were left over, succeeded.

Betsy was born at the QEQM in Margate in June 2012.

Returning home two weeks later, the couple received a massive bunch of pink and white flowers with a note attached.

It read: “Congratulations to you both. Lots of love to Betsy. Love from Michelle and George Michael (aka Anonymous) xx.”

Mrs Maidment said: “We just didn’t believe it.

“I think we must have read it a hundred times.

“I then texted Michelle and said thank you.

“We didn’t tell anyone. That’s what he wanted and we wanted to respect that.”

The card that revealed George Michael was the benefactor

It was a condolence message to Michelle after the star’s death which led to the PA telling the couple they could go public with the information if they wanted. They also had George Michael’s family’s blessing.

They told their friends and family via a Facebook post on Tuesday, December 27.

Mrs Maidment returned to the This Morning sofa to reveal to viewers that the birth of miracle baby Betsy was all down to the Wham! singer.

Mrs Maidment donated her appearance fee to Childline as a way of saying thank you to the star, who she never met.

She said: “It’s a charity that he’s always supported and we’ve never been in it for the money.”

The couple have always sent pictures and updates of Betsy to George Michael via his PA.

Mrs Maidment chose not to supply a picture of her daughter but described her as a hilarious, crazy, loving and stroppy four and a half year old, who likes to watch children's series Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom on television.

She has a younger brother, Stanley, who was born naturally in 2014.

Mrs Maidment said: “We will tell her all about this when she’s old enough to understand.”

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