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Killer Jon Cudworth had told mum ‘he could not take any more’ after stabbing wife Mika

By: Victoria Chessum

Published: 00:01, 23 December 2015

The body of Northbourne barmaid Mika Cudworth was found by a psychic, a murder jury at Canterbury Crown Court heard.

She was discovered in woodland near Eastry by Alison Austin, a medium and close family friend.

The discovery came after Mika’s husband Jon Cudworth allegedly told his uncle Neil Gilbert over the phone where the body was.

Mariola Cudworth pictured on her wedding day with Jonathon, who has been acquitted of murdering her

Mr Gilbert told the court that he had pleaded with his nephew in the conversation to tell him what was going on, but Cudworth replied “I can’t tell you”.

Mr Gilbert replied: “Whatever you do in your life you must tell me. You are not doing yourself any favours – people will despise you for it.”


When he got an answer the family called Ms Austin in, giving her 15 minutes to locate the body before the police were called. She was able to find the body before officers arrived, the court heard.

“Then I had a conversation with Jon and he said he’d stabbed her. It was awful. He said he could not take any more” - Mother Gillian Siddell

Pathologist Benjamin Swift confirmed that Polish-born Mika, who was 36, died after being stabbed four times in the chest, resulting in a loss of 2.5 litres of blood, around half the total amount in the body.

The impact punctured both her lungs, causing them to collapse.

Mika’s neck and left forearm were bruised and the post-mortem exam revealed a “blunt force impact” to the head.

Mr Swift said there were no signs of defence type injuries.

During the evidence, Cudworth sat in the dock with his head in his hands.

Cudworth, 35, has admitted stabbing his wife, but denies murdering her and dumping her body in a field at Eastry, near the couple’s home in Mill Lane Cottages, Northbourne..


The mother of killer Jon Cudworth has told a court that she had never seen her son behave violently.

Gillian Siddell said: “It did not cross my mind that he had killed her,” she said.

“Then I had a conversation with Jon and he said he’d stabbed her. It was awful. He said he could not take any more.”

Flowers and pictures of Mika. Picture: Alan Langley

Mrs Siddell told the jury she liked her son’s wife, Mika, and had treated her like a daughter.

But, Mrs Siddell continued, Mika had “gone funny” after the birth of their first child.

“She was quite moody and soon after the birth they broke up,” she said.

They pair got back together and in 2013 were married.

“Mika seemed quite enthusiastic about getting married,” added Mrs Siddell said.

On April 27 this year, Mika’s birthday, Mrs Siddell had flowers sent to her daughter-in-law and visited with a card containing money.

“There was an atmosphere,” she told the court. “Jon had given her a card that was on the table unopened. It was uncomfortable. They were not speaking to each other and I did not stay long.”

Mrs Siddell added that on April 29, she received a call in which her son said his wife had walked out.

Police outside the home of Mariola Cudworth in Mill Lane Picture: Paul Amos

The next day, her son told her he had found £700 in cash and believed his wife was saving money without telling him.

PC Christian Ford also gave evidence, and was the officer who was sent to the Cudworth’s home after Mika was reported missing.

Cudworth told the officer he hadn’t seen his wife since her birthday and that they had had a “verbal” argument that night.

PC Ford also confirmed Cudworth’s hand was shaking and he seemed “very on edge”.

Cudworth, 35, has admitted stabbing his 36-year-old wife but denies murder and dumping the body in a field at Eastry, near the couple’s home in Mill Lane Cottages, Northbourne.

The trial has been adjourned until January 4.

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