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Calls for more police in Faversham after ‘worrying rise’ in antisocial behaviour

By: Liane Castle

Published: 05:00, 21 July 2023

Updated: 13:19, 21 July 2023

Anxious residents say a “worrying rise” in anti-social behaviour – including fires, vandalism and break-ins – is blighting their town.

It comes after a bench carved from a tree as part of upgrades to Faversham Recreation Ground was destroyed by a blaze at the weekend.

A bench was destroyed by flames at Faversham Recreation Ground. Picture: Melinda Urszuly

Fire crews were called to the area in Whitstable Road just after 4.30pm on Sunday.

One fire engine was called and thankfully no one was injured but firefighters believe it was started deliberately.

Cllr Hannah Perkin, who represents the Abbey ward for the Lib Dems, says this is just one of many recent incidents and is calling for a stronger police presence in the town.


“Over the last few weeks, there has been a worrying rise in anti-social behaviour (ASB),” she explained.

“Cars have been vandalised, thefts have been reported in supermarkets – so as a town council, we are working with the University of Kent to find a way to flag up where ASB is most prevalent, and to look at ways to design that out.”

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Hannah Perkin is the leader of the Liberal Democrats group for Swale

A number of cars were damaged as vandals rampaged through Central car park in Leslie Smith Drive earlier this month.

It followed a number of break-ins at the town’s Tesco store. Last Thursday, a man was charged with four counts of burglary.

Cllr Perkin added: “Overall we just need more police in Faversham because people don't see police or expect them to come out if things like this happen.

“I’m trying to encourage people if they do see antisocial behaviour to report it, because it’s one of the only ways we will achieve a higher police presence.

“Faversham is still a lovely place to live – it is still a quiet, friendly and optimistic town – but incidents of antisocial behaviour are certainly more worrying than they were this time last year.”

Eight cars were vandalised in an overnight rampage in Faversham

The bench, which was installed as part of a heritage-led regeneration scheme at the park, had only been in the recreation ground for a couple of years.


Following the fire, Cllr Perkin described the incident as “devastating” given its community links.

She added: “In 2019 when the recreation ground project was underway, a resident said if the trees are being moved, why not make them into nice features for the park's history?

“It was carved into the bench so it is depressing to see it destroyed in such a thoughtless manner.

“There was also another incident exactly the same time last year when the Millfield play area got set on fire before it was even finished.

“It is really disheartening when people make such beautiful things for everyone to enjoy and they get spoiled by a small minority.”

A man has been charged after Tesco in Faversham was broken into three times

Resident Melinda Urszuly was walking her dog nearby when she noticed the fire and called 999.

The 57-year-old said: “I have lived here for more than 17 years, Faversham was a lovely town and now it is going the wrong way.

“I took the dog for a walk in the park and the bench was lovely, but somebody set it on fire and I don't understand why.

“People were looking and no one was doing anything so I called 999.

“It was very sad to see this happen in the daylight.”

“What has happened to people? I want the town back to how it was before...”

Ms Urszuly, who lives near the town centre, says antisocial behaviour is becoming a real problem as she spots new incidents almost every week.

“I can hear what is happening in the night from Friday to Saturday and it is so bad it is dirty and it stinks in the morning when you walk on the roads,” she explained.

“What has happened to people? I want the town back to how it was before.

“Every weekend I go for a long walk in the woods with my dog and I take a rubbish bag and pick up all the rubbish I find.

“People just drop it everywhere and it is very sad.”

Play equipment was set on fire in Cross Lane in March 2022. Picture: Faversham Pools

In March last year, arsonists targeted the play park in Cross Lane, beside Faversham Pools, razing equipment to the ground in the early hours.

Just days before, a bench installed by Westbrook Stream was also torched in a suspected arson attack.

MP for Faversham and Mid Kent Helen Whately says there is “no excuse” for antisocial behaviour.

Faversham and Mid Kent MP Helen Whately

She added: “Lots of people work hard to make the town a nice place to live, but it only takes a thoughtless few to spoil it.

“Just like when someone set the play area on fire last year, there can be no excuse for behaviour like this.

“We’ve put 20,000 more police officers on our streets since 2019 - including record numbers in Kent – and we expect to see those responsible caught.”

The recreation ground is owned by Faversham Municipal Charities which leases the land to Swale Borough Council.

A council spokesperson said: “It’s so disappointing to see something created to benefit the local community deliberately attacked like this and it’s hard to imagine why someone would deliberately choose to do that.

“We need to think about what we’ll do next, but if anyone has any information about those responsible, please contact the local police.”

A bench by Westbrook Stream was vandalised in 2022. Picture: Faversham Town Council

Insp Vanessa Foster from Swale’s Neighbourhood Task Force said: ‘Anti-social behaviour is often caused by a minority of people but we do not underestimate the impact this kind of behaviour can have on residents.

“Kent Police recently took part in Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week, which specifically focussed on combatting anti-social behaviour and as a result numerous arrests were made for issues including alleged drug dealing, a car and several motorbikes were also seized in the county and dispersal orders were enforced.

“We work closely with partner agencies and organisations, including local schools, to ensure there is a joined-up approach in tackling ASB.

“We also have dedicated beat officers who are a single point of contact for communities where residents can raise issues which are affecting them. Beat officers will respond appropriately and will escalate these reports if required.

“Anybody who wishes to report instances of anti-social behaviour should report it online via the Kent Police website. If a crime is in progress, please don’t hesitate to call 999.’

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