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Faversham Pools manager Roger Lake retires after nearly 50 years

By: Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Published: 06:00, 22 August 2021

The manager of Faversham Pools is stepping down after nearly half-a-century at the centre.

Roger Lake says his decades in the job have brought him friends, fond memories - and even an encounter with new wave legends Duran Duran.

Roger Lake, in a newspaper clipping from years gone by. Picture: Faversham Pools

Mr Lake first joined Faversham Pools as a schoolboy lifeguard 49 years ago, in 1972.

He later rose to assistant manager, and after a three-year course in leisure management became general manager in 1992.

He is now retiring after an impressive 29 years in the post.


Looking back at his most memorable moments in the job, he recalled a brush with fame that occurred one Sunday in about 1986, when the pools would close for lunch.

“I was locking up the outdoor pools, and a group of people came up to me,” he remembered.

Roger Lake is retiring from Faversham Pools. Picture: Faversham Pools

“‘Can you unlock it so we can swim?’ the man asked me. ‘No, sorry, I want my Sunday lunch!’ I replied.

“Then I realised who it was - members of Duran Duran and their families.

“The girls in the office never forgave me!”

Mr Lake says he is most proud of the pools’ “excellent safety record”, and the positive experiences they have brought to many people in the town.

“The Pools have given so much pleasure and enjoyment to so many people of all ages over so many years,” he said. “I’ve made so many friends over the years, both colleagues and members of the public.

A view of the outdoor pools from the top diving board. Picture: Poppy Boorman/Faversham Pools

“The social side of things is going to be the hardest to leave behind.


“I have always been so fortunate to have worked with an excellent team of staff around me. I have always appreciated them, and they certainly helped in making my job easier.”

Mr Lake is looking forward to enjoying trips abroad during his retirement.

“My wife and I love our holidays - we can’t wait to get away,” he said. “We’ve postponed our holiday to Antigua several times already so really hope we’ll make it out there soon.”

The Pools’ long-standing health and safety manager, Ricky Roberts, also retired earlier this year, and so a new team is ready to take up the leadership of the community facility.

Roger Lake, pictured at Faversham Pools in 2016. Picture: Tony Flashman

Jon Lazenby joins as general manager, with Dean Butcher as deputy manager. Both have strong backgrounds in the leisure and swimming industry.

Lily Jarvis Keysell - who once worked at the pools as a student lifeguard - has also recently joined as financial administrator.

Chair of Faversham Swimming Pools’ management committee, Mick Ellsmore, thanked Mr Lake for his service.

He said: “Roger’s wealth of experience and strong rapport with staff and swimmers will be much missed.

(Left to right) Jon Lazenby and Dean Butcher, who are the new management team at Faversham Pools. Picture: Faversham Pools

“He’s earned a very happy and relaxing retirement, and we are grateful for his stewardship of the Pools over these past decades. We’re also very pleased to welcome the new team. As we start to look to the future after the recent very challenging period, we hope to make the Pools’ experience even better for our swimmers.”

Read more: All the latest news from Faversham

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